2 More days and we shall have peace

Wotlk crybabies time to leave the forums for the superiour players that are capable of pressing more than 2 buttons


Why don’t you log on retail mythic raids if you are such an outstanding player that you call everyone else stupid who started classic because of the classic expansions? It was a poetic question, because you are too low for that.


Now we Press 3 buttons! What a high skill ceiling awaits us !


Sad wotlk andies don’t cry maybe you will get wotlk again in 10 years

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Can’t wait!
I mean i prefer Cata over wotlk, but this babyrage rivalvry people have here is fairly entertaining.


Uuuuh… are you like… new to the forums?

This guy is looking for skill in cataclysm :slight_smile: try retail


Try breastmilk it help with no wotlk servers sickness

Personally I’m looking forward to MoP Classic, but I still think they should keep Wrath Era servers.

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For the 10 people playing it ? Better Idea was a TBC era

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Both would be nice. :man_shrugging:

I find it pretty pathetic, especially when the actors in this play are probably 30+ year old.

Three more days

I agree wotlk is dead and another wotlk era dead realms are not needed at all. But releasing cata is probably worst decision they can make. MoP or free transfers to retail would be much better option instead of locking classic characters to the worst wow expansion that will die in few weeks.

I don’t know what to say. Doomsday sayers are counting days, but people who want real MoP Classic are just looking for leveling the old/new mains for T11. I mean at this point everyone who hated Cata should had left as soon as they did last kill of Lich King 25 HM 2 days ago before prepatch.


Pretty sure those Cata hates still be around and gonna pay sub.

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3 More days wrath babies 3 more faking days

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I want MoP as well but you can wait your turn. Some of us have been waiting a long time for Cata.

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Yes lets call the expansion with the highest subs in the history of Wow “the worst.”
The delusion is infinite within people in this forum.