42 days since the last tune/hotfixes

Agree been a long time ago they nerfed fury.
I think its time to nerf fury again.

11.0.7 released less than a month ago and had major tuning changes.

Why do people create threads like this?!

Although yeah frost mage could probably do with a nerf in BG’s lol. I’m having one heck of a time playing at 2.2k MMR with no experience and mediocre gear. There’s no way that’s reasonable. :rofl:

But on the other hand, it would be nice with less tuning changes and class redesigns. It can get pretty chaotic and confusing to figure out what to do and watch out for otherwise.

Mage is insanely strong yes but blitz is just a bracket where you get rating very easily in general.

That would hurt the game a lot. Did you played Dragonflight where Ret got reworked? Imagine they hadn’t nerfed ret for a whole month there.
Blizz is already very slow with hotfixes/tuning.


We just don’t live in a world where devs care enough to keep up with the balance (and that goes for most games not just WoW)

Even if that is what we’d want.

This is probably just a choice based on philosophical reasons. Continues significant tuning is very un-fun to endure from a player’s perspective. It would be horrible to experience random power gains or drops when logging in. It should be about the character progression, not tuning changes.

Of course, the outliers have to be tuned up or tuned down, and they have done so to most degree. But don’t forget that the average player doesn’t read the notes, doesn’t care about them either. One doesn’t want to create a random experience for them. And this is by far the biggest group of players. The high-end ones just go for the niche anyways, it’s pointless to balance for them.

And in this case, the OP seems to be doing 15-16s M+. They’re not balancing for those numbers anyways, so it would most likely have not improved anything for them.

I think that some players just don’t understand what they balance for, or what it would mean if they balanced the game the way they think they wanted it to be.

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This is fine! - Blizzard, probably

Fair enough, but I literally haven’t played any serious PvP in 13 years, and 2.2k is still top 10%. And when I did, I played a feral druid, not a mage.

So yeah… Feeling kind of OP over here.

Ironically though I am DELETING mages - way easier than any other class by far. So that’s weird.

Uhh… you do realize that this whole episode happened because Blizzard redesigned a spec mid-season in the first place, right?

They could’ve just… not done that.

Wow more resource goes into season of discovery tuning then retail, Blizzard step up your game you milk the audiance with

  • monthly sub
  • payed services
  • ingame shop
  • gold selling
    And last point i would count the brutosaur a hole new level of milking, his mumbers are crazy with this alone you could finance the game

And still we have no real regular tuning for retailÂż???

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