420 ele/resto shaman lf guild (H)

Im a casual player that mostly focus on m+ , can problaby join a raid now and then but cant commit too a raiding schedule. Hoping too find a guild with adults as im 36 myself :slight_smile:
im not a expert but not bad either, played since vanilla on and off with various classes so I got some knowledge.

Would be great too play with a guild instead of randoms in dungeouns:)

This is my char btw

Hi Fleksy.

I have a heal set up, with healers with same issue as you. Can´t commit
100 %
I have a priest and a druid healer.

International Eu Silvermoon Alliance
We raid Mondays + Thursdays 7-10 Pm. Servertime.
Guild has 7/8 N, more of us have some heroic bosses to.
Main goal is mythic.

We do m+ together in the guild.

Best regards guildmaster Tathiana

Battle net : Tipe#2310
Discord : Tathiana#8733

Thnx for your reply, however I should problaby specify that I want a Horde guild.
Tried playing alliance a couple of times but if feels “wrong” for me. GL finding more members for your guild:)

Hi there

You are welcome to check us out we’re horde on Draenor most weeks one of the main healers is not around or there is a dps spot, always someone on holiday etc but beyond that people are running mythic + most evenings. A number of adults with commitments with work & or children so tend to be on 1600+ server time (a few students hanging about for the summer but most of us 25->45).

Be happy to have a chat with you my bnet is ShadowStorm#2144707

Add me for talk decrakass#2249