One-night-a-week HC raid team - 8/8HC - dps wanted!

Currently seeking: DPS, especially Warlock, DH, rogue, evoker, mage and shammy. Healing off-specs would be excellent. No space left for hunters – sorry!

We are aiming to have minimum ilvl 400-405 to begin Season 2, so you should be close to that right now.

Who are we?
We are Vapid Encrypted, a cross-faction, late-night, 2-hours-a-week HC raiding community that tackles HC raids on Wednesdays, 2130-2330 server time.

We’re currently 8/8 in HC Vault – we’re finishing off raid achievements for the end of the season (with a possible dip into Mythic).

Many of the our members come from the social guild The Vapid Ciphers on Argent Dawn EU – community members will also have access to the guild’s M+ and Normal Mode raid nights, as well as our upcoming PVP team and social events.

Only 2 hours? Why?
Because we have jobs. Or kids. Or alts. Or Netflix series to binge. Basically, we want to experience the game at higher levels, but not have to dedicate a big chunk of our free time to do so.

Who can join the raid?
Our aim is to put together a dedicated raid team of 20 people who can make most of our Wednesday night sessions. With our current numbers, we are already raid-ready, but want to bulk the team. The roles we are currently recruiting for are mentioned at the top of this post.
Our goals are AOTC for every Dragonflight raid, and we also hope to dip our toes into a few Mythic fights and/or raid achievements towards the end of each season.

We also aren’t/won’t be demanding any specific specs or talent tree load outs – we’re more interested in dedicated players than people who follow the meta perfectly.

We’ll be asking new members to trial with us for a week or two, so we can judge whether we’d be a good fit for each other.

We do, however, need people who are willing to commit to the following:

  • You can attend the majority of our Wed night runs. We also expect raiders to be ready to pull at 2130, and to be able to stay for the entire 2 hours.
  • Come to the raid prepared – consumables ready, fully repaired etc.
  • Be an active participant in our Discord tactics discussions. With only 2 hours a week, we want to spend most of that time pulling – we’ll be talking through boss tactics in the week before the raid, using Discord so people can dip in and out of the chat when suits them. This will include watching videos, reading guides, using Raidplan, and getting Method Raid Tools set up for the fights.
  • You will be willing to gear yourself through other means. With only 2 hours of raiding a week, our raids are NOT going to be a great source of gear. You probably already run M+ to get a slow trickle of gear upgrades. (We’d love to run some with you!)
  • Want to have fun in the game, and don’t mind the (many) wipes that come with raid progress. The main aim here is to have fun through progression – swearing and screaming at people tends to kill the ‘fun’ element. We stand by Blizzard’s Social Contract – if there’s anything in there you don’t agree with, you won’t be a good fit for this community.
  • You’ve got to be aged 25 or older. The guild this raiding community is linked to was formed back in 2007 with that core rule – so us old farts had like-minded people to game with – and it’s a rule that served us well so far. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

DM me on Discord if you’re the gamer we’re looking for: BenedictPaddy#1364

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Hi Slowsong,

Would be good to have a chat, father, early 40s, wants to raid but can’t find a guild that starts late enough because I don’t get on till 9 ST. Currently running Prot Paladin as main (410), Resto Druid (405) and Frost Mage (395). I also have a Destro Warlock, Elemental Shaman (with Resto off Spec), Shadow Priest, Prot/Fury Warrior. Vengeance DH and Blood DK all at 70 but some need gearing more than others. Not something that I am worried about doing that myself at all. Willing to be flexible for the right team. Will try to drop you a DM this morning whilst at work if you have time.
My BNet is Wurm#2301.

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Am away on holiday and only just saw your message, apologies - sent you a friend request so we can chat further…

No problem at all, there is no rush. Enjoy your holiday and we can chat when your back if you want to.

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Hi, are you still recruiting?

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This is the correct character I want you use.