Realm Transfers No Longer Restricted

Today, we’ve lifted transfer restrictions to the largest Wrath Classic realms.

Player-characters may now be transferred to realms such as Gehennas.

For more information, please see our Character Transfer Information and Restrictions support article.


So it happens huh? Wonder how many players will rush to Gehennas.

What about empty servers ?

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What about them? You could have always moved from HW and now can do it towards any realm. They won’t do Free ones especially not from that place.


Blizzard is not getting another penny out of me.

Start my Vanilla classic journey on Ashbringer, have fun. It dies.
Start back up in TBC on Firemaw. Have fun there. WotLK comes. Have fun, when you can actually play. Can’t play due overcrowding
Blizzard recommends players that want to play and enjoy the game to FCM to Mograine/Ashbringer.
Wait a bit to see what happens.
Mograine seems to be doing good! Miss window of oppurtunity on Mograine.
So I take the bait and FCM all my characters to Ashbringer (Where I already had some stuck characters).
Ashbringer seems to be doing good at first. It dies again
Blizzard opens FCM from Ashbringer to Mograine. Take all characters there.
Mograine seems to be doing good at first. It dies
Now I’m stuck on Mograine with 8+ Alliance characters. Without Alliance activity. And they tell me I can now, whoop-tee-doo, PAY 80 EURO’S to transfer back to Firemaw…

Sorry Blizzard. Not a penny out of me… Firemaw was the last place I actually had fun. I kept paying subscription money because I believed that the solutions you provided would actually help me.

It feels more and more now like you’ve led me on, in order to keep collecting money.

Dumb me.

10/10 patch… 2/10 company.

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Its a shame that Blizzard deceive you by showing realms like that with “Low pop” tag, rather than “dead af” or “tumbleweed is the only thing moving in dalaran”.

That realm had 2-3k active players at its height (not everyone raided or logged) and was still shown as low pop.

Its disingenuous to assume its the player’s responsibility to fix these realms especially when Blizzard baits you there with FCT.

Blizzard offers FCT there because it’s an RP realm. Nothing more nothing less. You want to be on RP realm? You can transfer there. Opening free transfers from there will accomplish only two things.
A) Trigger once again mass panic transfers because “Blizzard is killing the realm”
B) Will be abused as a means to freely transfer off to a desired realm should it become the target of said FCT.

Both defeats the purpose of offering FCT towards HW in the first place.

Yes they should be more open with states of realms. Though in this case you’re still seeing Role Play realm. And unless your only idea of role playing is doing endgame then yeah I dunno why You’d be fooled by that

You talking about HW or NK Horde. Cause both sounds legit xD

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I’m glad you mentioned FCT off the realm, because any arguement you have against it is completely invalidated by telling people to PAY to transfer off.

If those realms are so desperate to keep their players that they only have people playing there to avoid paying real cash, you think thats just totally reasonable do ya?

Whats the difference between paying and it being free?
The people that want to be on an RP realm will stay, and the people that don’t, won’t.

From what i’ve seen, it will affect you in zero way.

Really? The person complains they can’t do it for free and it’s not a first time they did so. They’re not chained there. Yet they will inadvertently spread on how the realm is doomed and they got lied to.

As for that

Not exactly following the history and the way free transfers affect people do you? HW was already on receiving end of Free Transfers in the past. The end result is what you see now. People see FCT on small realms as the symbol of impending death officiated by Blizzard.

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Again, so you think its fine if people transfer off, but only if they pay to do so, aka the only thing keeping them on the realm, is reluctance to pay to move?

those realms head is hanging on by a few tendons, the axe has swung multiple times.

Please don’t assume I am lacking information regarding dead realms.

What about those who stuck with the realm all this time? But have given in to its doom?
We’re just supposed to hoof £60 after suffering through this empty realm for the last 2 years?
I could play the game for another 6 months with that cash.

If realms like Hydraxian rely on players who hate it there to survive, wtf is that.

If your worry is “Everyone will transfer off if FCT are opened”, then doesn’t that mean everyone hates it?

Why yes especially when the person in question tries to absolve themselves of any guilt from making a wrong decision. Which is the case here.

So apparently almost a third of Firemaw hated it so they fled to Gehennas during opened FCTs between the two right? Almost entirety from Ashbringer, Jin’do, Thekal and Giantstalker hated their realms?

I’ll be honest with you I don’t believe people would nake rational decisions. Hell I’m pretty sure that with just opening Gehennas to transfers we’ll see an exodus towards that place. And if they allowed free ones? Oh boy you’d have to bury NK, Mirage (Horde side at least). Hell likely Morgraine and Golemagg would take a hit as well. Just because people could do it.

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good, so don’t gatekeep their decisions and let them do what they want.
The age of realms is a fossil that should be murdered, it simply remains to scalp players like me who stick it out on low pop realms in the hope that it will improve, but instead what happens is the misery of Blizzard mishandling the s1ht out of it and crippling the population until it has NO CHANCE of recovery.

We clearly will not get FCT assistance on these realms, and if we did, they would be empty, instead of the 23 people online levelling up.
It would make 0 difference to the weirdos who obsess over the RP tag as if it has ANY value in wotlk 2023.

In the tens of people, these realms, i have no sympathy.
It is not up to players to fix this.

You’re free to make and do what you wish. Just don’t expect for it to be consequences free. In your case you want to move 4 characters you left in the realm that ended up being shafted. In my I’d love to catch up since I took it too slow but Blizzard consistently cuts off ways to do so making sure players that got to endgame have absolutely no reason to ever do anything but the highest end content and cross realm grouping (automated or not) won’t be added at least till next phase if ever and even then thanks to shared lockouts majority will pick the highest difficulty for the best rewards.

Ultimately we have two ways. Suck it up and pay/stay or just simply quit.


Your realm has an active logging population of 1500 people, hydraxian has … 25 (those 25 being a world first guild that only play there to farm realm first).

It’s such a vast difference.

You are legit low pop, HW is legit empty.

You have the same realm pop as HW when blizzard FCT them all off the realm.

And you know how many people I see on realm most of the time? 300. Occasionally 500 at peak during Uld Launch it was 1.5k at once in the game. Ironforge? It only shows people doing PvP or having Logs in raids.

I don’t doubt its low, but i’ll compare your 300 to my 20 or so.

Why bother forcing the 20 active people on HW to pay to transfer? This isn’t a gameplay choice. Its barren.

Wouldn’t you also prefer to join a populated realm?

In current Wrath? One dominated by RMT and services solely ran by gold? No, no I wouldn’t. I considered it. Made alts on those realms and it felt wrong. Suffocating yet no more alive than NK.


hello i play on mograine alliance and honestly i cant find a group for anything any more there are like 10 lvl 80 online on my whole function plz can we get a transfer to a server like firemaw or erthshaker eu the game is just unplayable at this moment plz i know there are transfers open for the hydraxian server but its rp server plz i just wana play the game

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Funny how i lvled 2 new characters and then they opened so now i have 2 mages 2 warlocks ty