Is there a reason why Conquest is still capped?

Come on devs, Aberrus has been cleared on mythic long ago, what’s the reason conquest points are still capped? Uncap conquest points already!


I wondet if we will get boxes as well next patch, that would be pretty good but they most likely forgot again.


Very good point to be honest. So many wasted points and for what? Lucky people are close to full geared by now anyway pogg xD?

Blizzurd things

Alongside of getting 100conq per win, so even if you try hard to get your alt capped its a weeks of game time…

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Hey Blizzard, what’s going on, why is this still a thing…

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Boxes will not come out until 10.1.7 as it happened with 10.7 so there is no reason to freack out and start asking for conquest boxes after 2 months of season :joy:

What are you even on about nobody was talking about conquest boxes but rather about whether capping conquest points is still necessary at this point :joy:

Because most of the time uncap conquest = Conquest boxes.

The least they could do is make catchup conquest for alts then - i.e getting more
increase honor cap loads and allow trading between chars

If I have to sit 30minute queues
I want chars geared really fast

In fact, and I’m surprised this hasn’t been suggested previously
Make gearing a Healer incredibly quicker
I don’t know how they’d work it mind you as some people will abuse it no doubt by gearing resto and swapping dps


The Conquest cap will be lifted next week, 19 July in this region. After the weekly reset:

  • Calderax will sell the Conquest boxes (Obsidian Equipment Chest). These will:
    • Require Challenger I in Season 2.
    • Have iLvl 408 gear.
    • Cost 375 Conquest.
  • Spinsoa in Zaralek Caverns will sell the Valor boxes (Volcanic Equipment Chest). These will:
    • Require 1000 rating in M+ for Season 2.
    • Have iLvl 398 gear.
    • Cost 250 Flightstones.

Thanks for the feedback!


Nice, any comments about the nameplate bugs showing more HP than there actually is and the new flashy icons for action bars with cast bars on them?

Nice stuff, ty

Reply more and often, we eu people getting more happy with that :slight_smile:

U been kinda lazy with that stuff so far.

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So the devs. or the “guy” who pass on the information is reading the forum threads and low key lurks in here lol

It’s copy pastse from the higher up.

Finally, since the cap has been lifted, we can start to farm conquest points to complete our PvP gear, even though I think this step should have happened a couple of weeks ago…

Finally, lets all roll mistweaver, augm evoker, feral or dk at this point! :muscle:

Too late. Everybody already rerolled to hpala, because of how braindead and still efficient it is.

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