Time is Running Out- Adopt Sunny and Flurky to Support BlueCheck Ukraine

Time is Running Out- Adopt Sunny and Flurky to Support BlueCheck Ukraine

Join Mila Kunis in supporting BlueCheck and their mission to provide critical humanitarian relief in war-torn Ukraine. Adopt Sunny and Flurky until August 29, and we will donate all proceeds** from the Pet Pack for Ukraine to this important cause.

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From the full article:

**From 25 July to 29 August 2023, Blizzard Entertainment will donate 100% of the purchase price of each “Pet Pack for Ukraine,” to BlueCheck, less any chargebacks, refunds, and Value Added Taxes (VAT), or other similar taxes paid.


You know they said that about the prize pool money for the toys

They also said that about another charity pet

Turned out to be all bs


Devoidelight was kind enough to provide a source. Care to follow the example?


Shut up Meg.


Blizzard BLASTED Over Questionable Charity Tactics & New WOW Pet - YouTube


A 15 minute youtuber with the headline involving “blasted”?

Yeah I’ll get around to that when I have time to kill. Until then, meh, sounds like a decent buy.


Watch Blizzard turn these pets into regular store items so they can have a chance at taking advantage of this charity campaign for profits. Just like every other charity pet they’ve done in the past.


Didn’t blizzard ban some guy for supporting hong kong in Hearthstone :joy:


Adding ` on either end of a link works. For instance,


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I have never bought anything so quickly then this and i dont have alot of money. Well done blizzard. And i love they are blue and yellow


Alright, it’s a good cause I’ll grant you that, but why is the consumer being asked to donate when Blizzard themselves won’t even sanction game services in Russia? This slaps of hypocrisy.


And bought.


What are you talking about? Since March 2022, Blizzard Nothing has closed all sales of anything in Russia. And most of the nicknames that you now see in Cyrillic do not belong to Russian citizens. As if players from many other countries play on Russian servers.


Nope, there is a legal notice in the full article about this. Instead of saying that the pets could return to the store, like the rewards from the 6-month subscription or any other item removed from the store, in this case, it explicitly mentions it won’t ever be available.

Pet Pack for Ukraine is available from the Battle.netÂŽ Shop until 29 August 2023, 18:00 BST (17:00 GMT)*. These versions of pets are special editions available as a part of this initiative only.*

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Finally after all these years, my name is now immortalized as a Golden Retriever Pet :slight_smile:

Warm Regards
Dr. Sunny Duttagupta


Why is that? What is so wrong about supporting Ukraine?

And they shouldn’t do that. How are players there going to play if Blizzard sanction services?

Me personally I will wait for a sale. hopefully the last few days of the campaign they will be discounted.

How will I recieve Flurky in WOTLK? I had no mail when logging in

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Too much salt over this charity. I hope people realize, regardless of how crap Blizzard is, that living in a country at war and losing everything is not fun, to say the least.

First poster in this thread that can prove they are from Ukraine, by a previous/older forum post or anything, I will gift you the Pet Pack. No trolls please.


Do blizzard still do business with Russia?

Perhaps less humanitarian aid would be needed if they didn’t?

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