Dawn of the Infinite Heroic Difficulty Coming in Fury Incarnate

Dawn of the Infinite Heroic Difficulty Coming in Fury Incarnate

Gather your party and preserve the timeline in Heroic Difficulty Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon with the release of Fury Incarnate.

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Almost 2 months too late, honestly.
Should have been in the game when the dungeon was released.


Nice. I haven’t played it yet, even though I love dungeons. But I don’t like 5-man mega-dungeons that have a weekly lock-out because it’s too hard to organize groups for that.

The boss mechanics are kinda fun. Different.

I know you’re going to be on here moaning about it when it enters the m+ rotation.

Push i>premade groups>dungeons

You don’t even need a guild for hardmode. Did it the second time i went there as a pug without comms

It is a damn nightmare if you are a caster in my humble opinion :roll_eyes:
Especially the first few
The devs kind of forgot, casters need… a bit of time to cast their spells (and don’t get me started with charged spells of the Evokers…)

Depends on the Gear. I did Hardmode Twice with everyone in 446+ gear. It is very easy as you have busted DPS, but you still have to play mechanics or you die. But i do not like Design of this hardmore, gameplay wise. I think Mechagon had Best form of hardmode, As it made many bosses More difficult actualy. And deathless Run was also optional for best gear, as you could just finish regular hardmode with 200 deaths or something. Because Dawn of time ther is no hardmode, nothing changes. Bosses are same, only difference nobody can die, which makes it “Immortal” like run only. I would rather Prefer if hardmode Made bosses more difficult like in Tazavesh/mechagon, than having Deathless type of “hardmodes”. Sure mechagon too Had Achievement to do hardmode and not die, But for Best loot from that place you only needed to complete Hardmode, nothing else, no matter how many times you died.

I havent even done the normal version yet, but it looks interesting, been trying to get a party together for it for nearly 2 weeks now.

That’s WoW. It’s not all about you.

Yeah, I do not get why Blizzard likes to give the hard versions before the easy versions (they do the same thing with raids).

Unlike the previous mega dungeons, it is also an important chunk of the story.

I have had a lot of fun beating the mythic version but the mythic version is simply not made for the average WoW enjoyer. Especially the second boss.

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No, but thanks for resorting to insults, all my friends are on Summer break as of now and I have only just finished levelling my character to 70 and got to ilvl 400 as I only returned to playing like 2 and a half weeks ago, I don’t get to play EVERY single day for EVERY single hour, but thanks for telling us how you spend all your free time…

Kazzak player says enough about the type of person you are and your mentality.


Wait for it to hit m+ :joy::joy: gonna be a very dead key lol. Nobodys gonna run it.

Depends on the tuning. Plus people will come up with more tactics rather quickly. For instance we didnt know how the second boss exactly worked til we did all the dungeon achivs because we didnt really care (that was post immortal)

They generally nerf the Mythic mechanics when they transition to M+

That megadungeon mythic is already the equivalent of a high keystone minus the timer. Basically it is more of what I wanted dungeons beyond basic mythic to be (but in smaller chunks).

I mean, if you have time to spost on the forums you can spend more time grinding out gear.

With the new crafting system it is beyond a joke to gear up. Feel free to just try. It doesn’t take 2 weeks to get 400 ilvl.

I didnt even raid. 440 took no time at all. You don’t need to play none stop. But keep projecting your lack of skill on others lmao.

Btw, we were all doing 18s in the 1st week of s2. That’s 447 crafted. 441 end of dungeon upgraded gear .

But what you actually meant is you wanted to be carried.

Uhhh maybe gearing isnt my first priority when I get chance to play… jesus dude get off your high horse not everyone has the same priorities as you, people play for different reasons and my original post WAS NOT a complaint, get over yourself.

I’ll be adding you to ignore now as your attitude is trash tier and I don’t have time for people like you.

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Isnt that exactly what youre trying to do here right now? She didnt even complain that she had issues that she blames the game for.


She didnt complain that the dungeon was too hard or anything of the sort. She said she was trying to get a group together. That could mean a multitude of things. Not necessarily that the dungeon is giga hard or anything of the sort (a conclusion you jumped to combined with insults on mass).


you could also just learn to accept other peoples opinions are exactly that ‘their opinions’

rather than getting aggressive and trying to belittle them because your feelings got hurt?

I never understand with Dehra what sets him off. It’d be intriguing if the behaviour wasn’t so senseless and obnoxious.