Titles you wish you could have

…and on who/why if you wish to explain.

I’d totally go for a Tidesage on my Kul Tiran Shaman, for example, and feel frustrated that I cannot, given the expansion. In fact, I wish they had added a whole new spec for shaman, with more watery spells, to better fit the theme. ^^

Then there’s Admiral (without Bloodsail…) always for a Tiran. Should have been grindable with the garrison naval missions in Draenor imho.

And finally… something in the lengths of Guardian of the Kirin Tor for some quest line related to protecting Dalaran of course. I have a warrior wearing the Kirin Tor Offensive colors because I’ve got them to swear themselves to protect the clothies… and well. Just RP reasons really.

Although honestly, I’d love it if they could add to that a ‘of xxx’ where xxx is the name of any fair sized (non capital) city of the faction you play with. (Farming some local daylies perhaps? Old style local mats turn ins maybe?)

A title like of Dalaran or of the Kirin Tor would also be totally sweet for mages.

How about you all? What would tickle your imagination enough to make you champion rep, kill 100000 mobs, grind and turn in 5000 pieces of whatever, or do 1000 or more naval missions? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Scarab Lord, enough said.

Some basic profession titles like Alchemist “…”, Blacksmith “…” could be nice, I’m surprised they never added them.


I’ve been thinking ‘Forgemaster’ would be a pretty cool title for my DID Warrior-Blacksmith.

Also racial titles like ‘Exarch’, ‘Vindicator’ and ‘Sentinel’ should really be a thing by now :stuck_out_tongue:


“Hardcore Casual” please


That would be so awesome, well thought!

Maxing the latest expansion’s crafting skill and maybe crafting a tool of the trade could and should definitely grant something like this on the specific toon…

name of the Scarlet Crusade
Crusader Lord/Lady name
Protector name
High Protector name
Cleric name
High Inquisitor name
Interrogator name
Inquisitor name
Scarlet High Commander name
Grand Crusader name
High General name
Scarlet Oracle name
Highlord name
Grand Admiral name
Captain General name
High Abbot name
Archbishop name
High Priest name
High Commander name
Scarlet Commander name
Scarlet Houndmaster name
Houndmaster name
Lord Paladin name
Cavalier name
Ranger Captain name
Ranger name
Scarlet Champion name
Scarlet Archivist name
Scarlet Armsmaster name
Lieutenant name
High Wizard name
Torturer name
Bloodmage name

and a bonus:
Orc arms-warriors only: Blademaster name


Just do Drustvar. (Alliance only)

You’re a Paladin. Didn’t you pick up that one already?

Same, but Priest only.


Meme Lord
Meme Lady

or just Ãnna, Paradox incarnate


Scourgelord - for my DK
Nightmare Lord - for my Nightmare druid
the Manipulator - for my Warlock (as permanent title not timed duration)

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I mean one who knows things. Not the kind that helps people.


The Great (before or after it’s the same), in a sense like Akazamzarak.

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“Savant” + name

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Nah it’s not the same.
Or perhaps you’re telling me you could drink Savant Pepper?

i have no clue on what is “savant pepper”

‘Professor’ would fit better and not cause confusion.

Mini me

Would be small amount funny : )

i know but i want inquisitor for horde as well

also, highlord isnt exlcusive to paladins.

“The bloodied” for my blood dk would be nice.
“Lightbringer” for Uther goosebumps is appreciated, but my name with title currently reads as “Lightbound the Light of Dawn” and I get LUL feelings by reading it.
“Kung fu” for my monk “monkas”
“The shameless” for my slutmogs.
“The maddened” for my Shadow priest.
“Lonely/the lonely” for my warlocks.
“Smash” for my Arms Warr.

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It is rewarded from Paladin class hall questline completion that is only doable by paladins as far as i know?

Personally i would like to get tittles:

  • Adventurer
  • Iron Maiden (for my dark iron dwarf)
  • Drifter
  • The tall one (for my gnome)
  • Dreamer
  • Sailor

Just to mention few :grin:

Name of the Fight Me IRL Club