Youtube is bad for wow

While YouTube did a lot for WoW tbh (i remember coming back in cata because of a fan made song about trolls) i understand what OP means.

A fresh example of blown out of proportion : Preach on Nazjatar.

This guy has been raiding mythic and knows a lot more about Blizzard and WoW than me.

Yet after rushing the quests on the PTR he complains about having only recieved 150 rep for the 3 dailies and this is just too hard to grind ect

Meanwhile a few wq/ daily / quests earned me 3k rep over two days.

The very exact thing happened on Mechagon : content was released then afterward the rep rewards were added. He knew it since he covered Mechagon too. Yet here we are, with the “is nazjatar a joke” post on this forum because of this very 150 rep.


Negative criticism gets more clicks and views than praise.
It’s like that with everything. Be it movies, books, TV-shows or in this case; video games.

Not saying WoW is beyond criticism, the game most certainly isn’t, but it has (undeservingly IMO) become something that is popular to hate.

I don’t understand. It’s people talking and influencing each other. What do you want to do? Shut down everything?

I just don’t get it, how is that even a problem to start with that human beings are being human beings.


the problem whit youtube it that one youtuber makes a negtive video, be it constructive or not doesnt matter, then the rest of the youtubers do the same, almost exact words from the first one, just becuse one did it, doesnt meen all of them have to, this makes youtube and many youtuber whom even have had great ideas and real critisism to say, look like fools, and it happens a lot, then the viewers jump on the bandwagon, saying the same things on theese forums.

this ends up in many saying same thing, but none actualy having anything new to say, everyone knows what should be changed, and there is no need for 100s of videos about it.
and only reason they do it,is becuse of getting money for it, and that is a fact, if they actualy feel like that is something we never know.

also this trend to bash everythign is starting to get old, realy old now, becuse this is not happening only for wow, but for almost everything else now, heck I am just waiting for someone bashing the sun for being to bright or something, just wait for it, it will come.

one good example of some youtubers stopidity was the 3 miljon players lost, who most got wrong, heck they said 3 miljon less players, even if they should have said 3 miljon less logins, what is a total different thing, and this only becuse the first youtuber got it wrong, and the rest followed. and it is horribly stopid to do so whitout any research in to it.


filthy casusal…

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I’ll add my two cents here, by echoing most people, in saying that everyone has the right to criticize and at the same time everyone has the right to support, WoW in their own way. I do not see those two as different things either, in my view both share a similar goal.

I feel that it is up to the end-user to filter out things and also form their own opinion on the subject.


sheeple are bad for people but ewe don’t have to be…:slight_smile:


In only watch Bellular and Xaryu vids. Imo Bellular is pretty neutral on his opinions and well, Xaryu just does pvp vids.

But the problem I see with many wow YouTubers is that I see some go beyond constructive criticism and are trying to make the game crash and burn like they are trying to inforce their own agenda,at least that’s the feeling I am getting from heelvsbabyface and belluar while Asmongold is the only one giving any constructive criticism in his own way so the point is criticism is fine as long as you don’t try to force your own propaganda cause you have a personal grudge against someone.

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What is probably happening is that you disagree with them on opinion, cannot understand how someone doesn’t agree with you, then Mark it as propaganda to scare other people away from it and to help you cope with the fact that not everyone shares your opinion

I will always think this of people who claim propaganda where there is opinion because that’s all I can see it as

Argueable, but true if you mean new titles. but if youre gonna compare it to stuff like anthem or fallout 76 yeah ofcourse it wins

People who criticize are critics, something about overlapping definitions.

More importantly then feeling, it changes the way people think about something and that’s fine, this is how Social interaction has worked for milennia

What is also annoying is to see people dismiss their fellow players because they share just one or two opinions with a streamer or YouTuber, this dismissal is often done with comments that imply the only counter arguement is to call them a fanboy or something


wow blizzard employee actually expressing his opinion instead of posting some general non-interesting murloc-related joke.


So basically what you’re saying is that free speech is bad for wow? That’s not a good sign of the current state of the game now is it?

Sure, there are most likely a couple of videos that take advantage of complaining about BFA to get views. But that’s not a problem now is it? Everyone will make their own opinion about the current state of the game. I mainly watch relatively neutral youtubers as other mention, Preach or Bellular for example. They do not influence my point of view of wow, even though we think rather a like.

I’m still subbed to this game, I do not know why. I’ve always loved this game, it hurts me to see what the game has become. I barely login anymore but I can’t make myself unsub as I feel so much for the game. But the youtubers aren’t wrong, the game has not been this bad ever.

It’s not that everything in the game is bad. The art is amazing, raids are possibly better than ever… But there are other things that for me makes the game unplayable. I do not really enjoy any of the classes anymore, the class design has been terrible for BFA and it’s affecting the whole game. If I had a char I actually enjoyed playing i’d be playing day in and day out, even if the content is lacking. And honestly the content is currently lacking and I do not enjoy all the systems that we currently have, m+/pvp chests for example, return honor/conquest vendors so I can actually progress towards something I want. I do not know a single items name that my characters wear, that’s unthinkable. I could name entire loot tables from vanilla, tbc, wrath and it’s been ages since I played those. That’s a sign that we on longer care about our characters and that’s not a good sign. Not to mention that this combine wth the current class design has led to a decline in players, i’ve basically lost all the friends I used to play with, it’s an MMO… Why would I play it alone?

This has nothing to do with youtube, youtube does not affect the game. We’re all here because we’ve at some point loved this game, youtube does not change the current state of the game and they are not wrong about the issues that we see. They will not sway anyone to believe the game is bad if they don’t feel it themselves.


It’s worth taking a lot of YouTube content with a big grain of salt. Many have started out well intentioned but the minute those channels become a revenue stream for the uploader there will always be a risk of bias just to appeal to whatever bandwagon is currently doing the rounds. I’ve had some great tips from them over the years, agreed with some, disagreed with some but when you now get clips of someone reacting to a clip of someone reacting to the game it generates a cycle of uploaders basing their criticisms or praises on that of other uploaders rather than the actual game. Common themes/gripes aside, we’re all individuals and what we get out of the game is still individual to what we want from it compared with what we experience.

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Now, here’s an interesting part:
what do you propose to do with such harmful and intolerable propaganda? How can we make sure they stop producing it?

Wait so they’re allowed to criticise the game but they’re not allowed to criticise it where it can be heard?

Lmao what are you on about?


No they are allowed to but they are not just criticising they are openly bashing the game cause they have in their own way personal Grudge against Blizzard.You know how popular media spreads overexegarated false rumors and blow thinks way out of proportion to gain readers and views the same way these YouTubers are doing just to gain following.

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That is, what I currently dislike about criticism - people don’t criticize, they hate.

I played WoW excessively during Cataclysm, a little during MoP, I started again in late Legion and continuously since then. I liked a lot during Cataclysm, I had no deep dive into MoP, but what I saw from Legion (pretty much everythin but M+ and Raids) I liked quite a lot.
It strikes me, that a lot I liked from previous expansions was put aside in BfA and I pointed out issues I have with BfA a lot, but hating on BfA irritates me, because WoW is still a good MMORPG, I would not call it one of the best games currently, but one of the best MMORPGs for sure.

For content creators I kind of understand the hate. Extremes attract views, because either people jump onto the hate train or they watch to harshly disagree. Either way, you gained views and therefore revenue (I myself am tempted to watch Asmongolds videos, despite my huge dislike of many videos he made around 8.1 release - most of the time I control myself and support more neutral discussion, like the ones of Bellular or Preach - he points out many negatives, but at least he does not stylize it like everything is garbage, but just worse, than we know it from WoW/Blizzard - that’s at least my personal view on these youtubers).
If people would support more neutral videos, I suppose some content creators would shift towards this, but most people watch youtube videos for entertainment and hate/love is entertaining.


Perhaps there are some youtubers who incite hate against the game but not every WoW Youtuber. The ones I watch tend to stay fairly neutral but will make their criticisms heard or they just rarely voice their criticisms and focus on other content.

Of course Blizzard would defend Youtube. It’s an absolutely colossal timesink. If people are watching videos about the game it means they’re not progressing through the actual content available in the game. If people are arguing about the game, then it means they’re not playing it. If people are complaining, they’re not playing. Blizzard’s entire strategy for making money out of this game is based entirely on wasting everyone’s time as much as possible. They put in content that’s as cheap as possible to make, they then get your sub ticking over and during that sub time, they want you logged out of the game as much as possible. It’s why they make things like pathfinder and allied races where you’ve got to search online and find out how to do it, it’s why they love people arguing on the forums and it’s why “all news is good news” as far as sites like youtube are concerned. Blizzard make a lot of money out of people criticising the game on youtube.


I am not affected by Youtubers making content with their opinions about the game because I really don’t care about arm chair experts. I have zero interest in watching a stream or a Youtube video about what someone else is doing or their opinion.

I do think some people only care about putting out negative content and they seem to find the most ridiculous things to get upset about or the most tenuous angle about an issue. These are also often the videos that some link on the forums. There are also some great content creators out there with a far more balanced view but at the end of the day it’s all just opinions.

I make up my own mind about what I do and don’t like. People are all different. For example whilst I hate and detest the Azerite system and AP others will enjoy that kind of thing and don’t miss Tier sets at all.