There we go another bumping bump to get this thread back on trail
Bumping for more spots for friends!
do you still need ppl?
Got room for a Fury Warrior? Iâm willing to try out and transfer my character(s) if I fit in the group . Also got a WW Monk and a Holy Priest (almost) ready for raiding.
Let me know on discord (Carbonn#2474) or ingame (Carbonn#2818).
Bumping again for continued recruitment
Time for another bump so we can get some new recruits
do you stell need ppl and what do you need?
Still looking for more!
Hey, i sent u a discord request
Hi there!
Are you still needing a ranged dps?
Friendly shadow priest 409ilvl with 8/8hc VOTI looking to progress into mythic with a strong guild.
To talk logs and stuff, please message me on discord Sephi#1681
Iâve added max and will eagerly await a reply if your team wanna use and abuse my PI and fortitude
Sephi joined us on their shadow priest!
Going to bring this back to the top to see if we can snag some more ranged dps
Time to give this a bump to see if we can find some more ranged dps
New day new spots!
Still looking for more people, so give it a shot
Added some new info
New roles opened up so some new bumperinos
Keeping the thread open !
We got some more spots that opened up in the raid team
Still looking for more to start the next tier strong!
Still looking for members to join our ranks for the incoming raid! in specific a healer