[H/A] Innocuous - Casual Weekend Heroic Raiding - Raiders wanted & Socials welcome!

Innocuous is a newly formed Weekend Raiding guild focusing on Casual AOTC content, with an emphasis on the Social aspect and making buddies & a learning friendly environment.

We have a deliberately smaller raid team & guild, to preserve that feeling of having a bond with your fellow guild members, and are only sparingly adding to it.

In S4 we have fully cleared all 3 Awakened Raids on Heroic mode, so we’re looking toward the next expansion hereon.

Our raid schedule:

Fri - 20:00-22:15 Server Time (total of 10 mins break time)
Sat - 20:00-22:15 Server Time (total of 10 mins break time)

Our S4 Progress:

AVOTI - 9/9 HC
AATSC - 9/9 HC
AATDH - 9/9 HC

What We Offer:

:small_blue_diamond: Casual & Weekend Raiding
:small_blue_diamond: Mythic Plus
:small_blue_diamond: Mature Environment
:small_blue_diamond: Learning Friendly

What we expect from you:

:arrow_right: Raiders: If you are joining us to be part of our raid team, you should be able to raid both our scheduled days/times, barring very exceptional circumstances or emergencies of course.
:arrow_right:Mythic Plus: Running keys together at all levels, 2-10+, whatever suits people the most, in a no-pressure environment. But try to be active & involved with guildies.
:arrow_right:Be mature: Don’t make other players uncomfortable and be able to get along well with your guildies.

Currently Recruiting:

1-2x Tank - HIGH prio ( covering for re-rolls in TWW )
1x Heal - HIGH prio
1-2x DPS - Medium prio ( recruiting mainly for TWW)

Interested players can add me on bnet or discord, so we can have a quick chat :slight_smile:

Bnet: Sykretts#1919

Discord: sykretts

Alternatively, you can leave a reply here or share your details here as well.

I’m happy I joined, really hoping our new guild will take off and become something great!

Updated the main post with current recruitment status.

We’re still open to recruitment for the following, in addition to Social-only players:

2x Healers
2-3x DPS (preferably at least 1 ranged)
1x Tank/Off Tank

Can also accommodate a tank, as one of the tanks can swap to a DPS spec they main.

We’re still on the lookout for players to join our main Heroic raid team for S4 and beyond!

Our first couple weeks in Vault and Aberrus ended with 7/8 HC & 8/9HC respectively. We are looking for players who can raid more actively with us!

Open currently:

1x Healer
2-3x DPS

Our priority currently is to lock down some players in these roles first and foremost! We want to cut any reliance we have on having to pug 1-2 spots.

Quick update - we are still looking to fill the final 2-3 slots of our little Heroic raiding team!

Open to:

1x DPS - HIGH Prio
1x DPS with off-heal spec - HIGH prio
1x Tank - HIGH prio

Having a heroic raid ready character for S4 would be ideal, however we can also help you gear up if you’re missing some gear to catch up! Come join us for the ride!

First full heroic clear this raid week with the guild!

However we are still looking to add more active players to our roster who are willing to play S4 rather than wait till TWW.

Currently open to recruiting:
1x Tank
1x Healer (with some raid healing exp from past tiers)
1-2x DPS (we’d like to expand our DPS roster slightly)

Come join our little team!

Another week, another full heroic awakened raid guild clear!
We are still looking for a couple of players to help round out our heroic raid team as we’ve had 1-2 re-rolls:

2x DPS - HIGH Prio
1x Healers - HIGH prio

Players joining us for these roles must be able to actively play S4, as we’d like to keep the guild active in this season and prepare us for The War Within.

Seeking players who can actively play Season 4 DF with us and are also comfortable with a smaller and more close knit raid team (12-13 man team is what we’re aiming to maintain).

3x DPS - HIGH Prio
1x Healers - Medium prio

We are still recruiting Active players in S4 for our Raid team and to have more players in guild running M+ at the same time!

2-3x DPS
1x Healer

If you play either of these roles and are interested in joining the guild, please reach out on Discord/Bnet so we can have a quick chat.

We’ve been doing full clears of the heroic awakened raids for a few weeks now. However we would like to add a few more players to our roster to smoothen out the team for the rest of the season and for TWW!

2x DPS - HIGH Prio
1x Tank - HIGH prio

As things stand, our preference is to recruit players on our own realm on a higher prio than cross-realm players. That being said we’re still open to cross-realm players.

We have achieved what we wanted for S4 DF, having cleared all 3 raids on heroic a few times. Now, we are looking forward towards TWW pre-patch and the expansion itself.

With a bit of in-house maintenance going into the next expansion, here are the roles we’re looking to recruit players for, into TWW:

1-2x Tanks - Current tanks will be re-rolling, so this role has opened up for at least 1 slot, if not both.

1x Heal - Looking for a healer with some experience in that role

1-2x DPS - while not a priority, still keeping this role open for a couple slots, in case we happen to chance upon a couple more experienced players in the role.