The WoW Companion App Retiring

The WoW Companion App Retiring

With the release of The War Within™ pre-expansion content update, we will no longer support the WoW Companion App.

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… no reason given? That’s unusual. Didn’t even need an article then, the post says it all.

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My guess is that since there are no mission tables, not enough people use it any more.


…There was a companion app?


Wow, this is stupid, this was a great way to do the mission tables while not being on my pc.


Will there be any other way to be able to chat with guildies directly in gchat? That was the only thing I was using the app for.

Used to be able to manage AH, Guild Chat, Characters and Mission Tables.

Have not used it in years, there was no reason too since I work from home and can simply log into the desktop client. :rofl:

A shame for those that actually did use it.

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it is many years it will need for them to develop that ingame,one place to manage mission tables from all expansions without having to spend one hour travelling from zone to zone in order to do that with every character?


Hence why it is removed. Mission tables have been gone for whole expansion and are not returning.

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It was the easiest way to farm pet charms. Will be missed.


So long Companion App! Your insistance of bothering me at work with these mission tables will not be missed. :slight_smile:

That is what I used it for, easy way to get all my pets to 25. :disappointed:

Give us a Pet Battle app pl0x so I can level pets and do some PvP with it.


How? :hushed:

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Great, that means I can uninstall an app I weren’t even using in the first place…

Many missions in Legion, BfA and SL gave pet charms as rewards. I think I’ve gotten like 3k from only using the Companion App.


Out of curiousity: for what purpose? I can see the use for having one of each family maxed out so you can build any kind of team, but is there any reason beyond that?

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I can’t say I’ll miss it. I never use it myself.

If you’re an achievement hunter it’s necessary to have a wider selection of pets for their move sets effective againgst all types… especially for those family specific ones againgst NPCs.

My title “Minion of Mayhem” is off pet battles that require you to have such a variety since you can’t heal up your pets during the pet dungeon event.


To be fair I don’t even really pet battle anymore - have over a 1000 of the darn things and still keep adding more and my ocd means that they all need to be max level and blue!

I have been using the companion app since SL going in most days across chars and choosing the pet charm quests only. I initially started using it to purely use up the spare anima currency and then I realised I could get the pets levelled so continued. Will now actively keep doing it to build up a small stash of pet charms for when it stops.