[A/H] [Silvermoon] <Lets Keep It Simple> - AotC Social guild LFM people to play with

Guild information:
Guild name: Lets Keep It Simple
Realm: Silvermoon (EU)
Language: English
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday, Sunday, 20:00 ST.

:star2: Join “Lets Keep it Simple” :star2:

Are you seeking a guild where camaraderie and teamwork reign supreme? Look no further! “Lets Keep it Simple” is the perfect home for adventurers like you.

:fire: What We Offer:

Raiding Excellence: Conquer the toughest challenges in Azeroth with our dedicated raiding team.
Mythic+ Madness: Dive into the depths of mythic dungeons with fellow guild members.
Social Atmosphere: Forge lasting friendships and enjoy a vibrant community of like-minded players.

:briefcase: Recruitment Openings:

Skilled raiders ready to tackle endgame content.
Mythic+ enthusiasts eager to push keys to new heights.
Social butterflies seeking a welcoming and inclusive guild environment.

:globe_with_meridians: How to Join:

Simply apply using the Guild Finder in-game. In the note please put that you came from the forums ^^

Let’s keep it simple and make memories together in the world of Warcraft! Join us today! :rocket:

Still looking for more peeps ^^

Need those ranged deeps!