<Who Needs a Soul> [EU-Doomhammer] M+ /Raid recruitment

:fire: Guild Name: Who Needs A Soul
:earth_africa: Server: EU-Doomhammer
:map: Progression: 9/9 HC | Currently setting up for Season 4 & The War Within
:shield: Focus: Social Players, Mythic+, Raiding, and more!

:trophy: About Us
Freshly created guild made of foundering members who have played together for the last decade and have curved every raid. we are currently gearing up for Season 4 & The War Within. This isn’t just about short-term gains; it’s a journey we’re committed to! We’re a close-knit guild on EU-Doomhammer, dedicated to raiding, fostering friendships, and having a good time together.

:scroll: Why join us?
We are made of a group of friend from different countries all brought together over the past 10years in WoW, we are looking to have a semi hardcore group of likeminded M+ and Raid Pushers. and we value new friendships made along the way.

:date: Raiding & Social Events:
We run our main HC Raids weekly with the goal of moving to Mythic in time, whilst other nights are dedicated to M+.

:star2: What We Offer:

  • A mature, inclusive, and respectful community (ages 17 and up)
  • Strong leadership with clear strategies for raiding success
  • Opportunities for personal growth and regular social gatherings, including events such as guild parties and more!
  • A vision for the long-term, supported by committed members
  • An organised and lively Discord server
  • Regular Mythic+ outings to tackle dungeons together and improve our skills

:mag: We’re Looking For:

  • Players who know their spec/class well and aim for Mythic-level performance
  • Team players who value cooperation over individual achievements
  • Individuals who welcome constructive feedback and use it to improve
  • Fluent English speakers who actively engage in discussions
  • Players dedicated to achieving our shared goals
  • Raiders who show up prepared with consumables and knowledge of upcoming encounters
  • Members who have a functioning microphone and aren’t shy about using it

:sparkles: Guild Culture: We maintain a mature atmosphere, perfect for those seeking a balance of serious raiding and a friendly vibe.

:handshake: Join Us!
If Who Needs a Soul resonates with you, don’t hesitate to get in touch! We’re thrilled to welcome new members who share our passion and enthusiasm.

discord.gg/“Who Needs a Soul”