Cataclysm Classic: Rise of the Zandalari Now Live!

Cataclysm Classic: Rise of the Zandalari Now Live!

Just when you thought you’d take the advice to “Stay away from da voodoo” a new temptation arises, beckoning you to take the risk, enter Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman, thwart the machinations of the Zandalari and their brethren, and collect the rewards for your efforts.

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Cata’s not classic.

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No thanks.
Can we please have TBC era servers or a new fresh Vanilla-TBC-WotLK rotation again?


I do wonder if they will rotate all the classics back in after they are reach whatever their end goal ‘Classic expansion’ is.

They want us to feel again the masterpiece: “Shadowlegends classic”

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Good question.
I can imagine that they’ll actually go through all the expansions at this rate. They’ve kind of painted themselves in a corner with Cata. If they do Cata but not MoP people will be bummed and stopping at MoP is quite a cliffhanger.

They eventually “have” to handle the mob demanding fresh and TBC somehow since it will only increase the more time passes but how they’ll do that is a mystery.
Blizz isn’t exactly talkative about their long time plans.

I would imagine there is enough interest in a MoP Classic tbh.

Oh yeah.
MoP is probably the most hyped/beloved expansion of all.
A lot of people would be very disappointed if they didn’t do MoP because they did a remix instead.

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Would be very sad indeed.

We want shadowlands classic please

No… no “we” don’t :sweat_smile:

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I hope the Zandalari manage to take advantage of an opportune glitch and through a mysterious portal enter the retail servers as level 200 elite bosses, causing the forums, reddit and every other Warcraft social media outlet to crumble under a never-ending stream of tears

For da Zandalari!

Litterally the worst expansion & tipping point of wow starting to suck… most beloved?! Delusion

this not good petch bad 1 will only last 1 2 week best

I don’t disagree.
It is probably my most disliked expansion but it is one if not the most fondly talked about expansion, especially in the pvp scene.

So exciting. Have really been waiting for this. hooray.

To give a throwback to BfA: “Zandalar forevah!!”

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