<Prestige> [Steamwheedle-Cartel] Heroic Raid Guild

Raid Days -
Weds & Sun1930 GMT [2030 Server Time] till 2200 GMT [2300 Server Time]

Prestige formed during the end of TBC and start of WOTLK. With a core group of players that for the most part still play today.

We are a mature, laid back group. We understand real life happens and is not always conductive to being able to raid! We are looking for more like minded raiders who enjoy raiding and can show a willingness to improve. We do not expect top level parses but we do expect effort to improve when required.

Old expiernced raiders or those new to the game are welcome. We have a vast array of expiernce and life styles. All can find a home.

Please feel free to contact myself if you have any questions.