EU | HC & M+ | TWW Recruitment | <Lark>

Lark is, like everyone else, recruiting new members for The War Within…

:information_source: About Us:

We’re a small guild looking for members to join our raid roster and join for M+ at their own pace. Most of us have been playing WoW since TBC; we have our war stories and know how to relax as a group. Wipes happen to the sound of medieval covers of absolute bangers.

We have returning players joining us, who are reminiscing about the days of yore and coming to grips with the current playstyle.

As a mix from the UK, Netherlands and Scandinavia, we primarily use English in Discord, though we are occasionally entertained by Moonspeak and Potato Manglers. Om du är svensk borde du förmodligen inte ansöka om du inte är en eländig git :upside_down_face:

We all respect the lives we have outside of the game, and foster an inclusive environment to make the most of game time.

:radio_button: Server: Emeriss - EU

We’re part of the connected realms, so currently that includes:

Bloodscalp / Emeriss / Agamaggan / Twilight’s Hammer / Crushridge / Hakkar

Though as everyone knows, cross realm guilds are now in action. Toot toot!

:pause_button: Our Schedule

During progress we raid twice a week, after this we open an alt raid on Sundays.

Thursdays | 20:00 - 22:30 Server Time
Sundays | 19:00 - 21:30 Server Time

Tuesdays - Fluff Raid for transmogs and achievements, rotating destinations by demand

Other week days, M+ are ad hoc and hop in and out as you like.

:arrow_forward: Recruitment: Players

We’re looking for mature players who want to explore The War Within without sweating heavily or suffering a Vitamin D deficiency in the pursuit of temporary glory. They don’t need to touch grass; grass fears their steps and the lawnmower each week.

We are an inclusive guild, which means respecting the player behind the screen is a person. We can’t help with wish-fulfilment, unless its a transmog, achievement, or addon…

That said, one of our tanks plays the Bejewelled addon on the side and some of us are trying to peak the fashion of a male Kul Tiran shaman in a bikini called Darnell. We’ll get there, I know it.

:arrow_forward: Recruitment: Roles

We’re looking for the following roles:

We have space for healers as we’re flexible, but we’re mostly covered for the raid roster at this time - the M+ queue will ever love you, however.

We currently lack a priest or hunter, so ping us if you’re one of these missing links!

We’re looking for another tank to be partner in crime for the roster, practicing the noble art of taunting, ripping aggro with damage, stand-here-there-kite-aha, shenanigans of raid tanking.

During progress, we ask that you commit to one character and stick with it just for roster ease.

Want to apply?
Discord: thenameisform
Battlenet: formbyname#2652

Cross-realm invites are flying!

come for loot, stay for benjamin

come for loot , try to trade , break the game ;D

Hi there! No spot for a fury warrior?

Heyho, we have room for a fury warrior! Give us a nudge and we’ll throw you headfirst in the Discord :slight_smile:

Just a lil TL;DR for anyone else reading this - we’re Heroic raiding, M+ dungeons, bejewelled addon playing, suboptimal comp, ‘oh my god cringe’ heroes just doing what gamers do, practicing our natural predication for floor eating and trash talking each other’s UI. Standard, right?

May your whirls ever be windy

May your addons be ever troubling, Disrupt, and your UI a cause of concern to the general public eternal.

We’re still open to folks who are looking for a home community in TWW - recruits so far seem to be thriving in our murderhobo M+ gearing runs, and our fun run raid may or may not have resulted in a healer stating ‘I’m just going to jump in the lava’ whilst we made sure everyone received the appropriate debuff before the kill… It’s S4. There is no other way to raid.

Let us solve the mystery of how the Gnoll and Trogg populations keep bouncing back by lowering it a couple times

We’ve updated our roster this week - now looking for DPS!

If you’re a priest or hunter, we’ve none currently - feel free to give us a poke!