Delve scaling is actually broken; Numbers included

LOL@all the people who were saying they weren’t broken.

Decided to do a little more Delve scaling testing… here are the amazing results (on a Tier 8):
Tested on various damage intake types, settled on “Web Bolt” just as a standard for consistency for these values.

1 Tank: 2.5M
1 Tank + 1 DPS: 1M
2 Tanks + 1 DPS: 1.5M
2 Tanks: 1.5M
1 Tank + 1 Healer: 1.3M
1 Healer: 2M
2 Healers: 1.3M
1 DPS + 1 Healer: 1.3M
1 DPS: 1.3M
2 DPS: 1M
1 Tank + 1 DPS + 1 Healer: 1.3M

But wait! There’s more! Let’s talk about health values, these seem to be independent of Role, tested 1-3 player, let’s refer to “Nerubian Threadmancer” just as a constant again (every mob’s HP scaled accordingly)

1 Player: 4.62M
2 Player: 3.47M
3 Player 4.31M

Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk, enjoy the new solo content!

Hopefully this gets fixed soon and the higher tier content is actually solo-able at the recommended ilvl.


its early expansion, fine tuning happens all the time, i expect a lot of tuning in the next upcoming month.

Stop trying to argue that i made a different point get a clue @Dejarous

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Fine tuning is tweaks to values.

Mobs having less health with 2 players than with 1 is a massive failure.


WDYM. The formula clearly is health = health*1/players

Ok so using one of those calculator things to find the sequence. The formula for health is
(199n^2 − 827n+1552)/200

I did them solo with like 15-18 ilvl less than recomended, im far from some top tier player or what not , and they were quite chill to solo all thing considered .

This may or may not change on different classes .

But yea, hope for fix , the scaling ist just stupid

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They aren’t broken. The issue is with how they scale in groups, not how they are solo. I solo’d a T8 at ilvl572 and the recommended is ilvl600. The problem is it gets too easy in groups. “Lol” at the people coping thinking the delves were too hard, meanwhile people have already solo’d an 11 with no deaths.

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I heard they are a complete joke as dps and extremely hard as a tank.


I do them on T8 for gear solo or group doesn’t matter to me.
But scaling is weird
I would like to know how a average player that clicks on his spells and half of those spells are not even on his bar can do a delve where a 20 mil elite is going to kill you in 2 hits xD

The difficulty is far more appropriate solo than in groups.

I feel like it was really easy with two players. Didn’t realise it was this much easier though. That is too much, obviously.

But I still solo’d Skittering Breach 9 yesterday. It was actually hard, at least the last boss. It took me 2 tries and 6 minutes to bring him down! That’s pretty crazy for solo content. Can’t remember ever seeing that before while still being possible.

But I think, given my current gear, that was appropriately difficult. It was a good fight with ask the ads buffing him and him chasing after me running around get platform like a scared monkey :rofl:

That’s how it should have been. I want it to be easier for groups but if this is the level of cheese? Darn… :frowning:

Lets not add context where i given non, like i said tuning always happens.

No, you said “fine tuning happens all the time”.

“I can’t even remember what I said even though it was quoted to me - but damned if I’ll give ground on the internet!”

Eyati 2024.


Yes and fine tuning happened stop making things up.

I tried t8 as a rogue almost 600ilvl, I was almost 1 shooted by literally everything.

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At this point all i can do is refer you to a dictionary if you think thats fine tuning.

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Oke just stop now, you keep trying to change my point, i am just gonna ignore you and i recommend anyone to do the same whenever you respond to me, because you clearly have some issues.

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No, you’re trying to change your point. Seems we both have issues, you’re probably dizzy from all the 360’s. Go ahead and ignore me, kinda proof you can’t debate a simple point.

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Dude i made the point your just fighting over a post i made that you miss understood, just stop already or contineu i will contineu disagree’ng the whole topic stop spamming this topic.

Like I said, learn what words mean.

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There was a LOT of people testing delves in BETA, if they thought they were going to be too easy, why didn’t they sort this sooner. Now it punishes those of us that didn’t spam delves because of our raid days and work schedule.

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Methinks there is a multiply somewhere that is meant to be a divide…

Tbf, I doubt beta testers complain when something gives decent loot quite easily.

But it is bad.

Blizzard’s internal test team should actually be doing playtesting and spotting inconsistencies (like taking more damage when solo vs a pair) and offering insight as to the difficulty tuning (and definitely identifying the current impossible state).

Absolute amateurish omnishambles right now. Not acceptable to be pulling this guff outside of beta.

I sympathise. I suspected delves were too easy (as a group) and ensured I got at least 1 heroic vault slot sorted for each of my 3 characters, because ‘exploit early’, etc, but it wouldn’t have taken much to simply not have enough time available to do that.

Ofc, I just thought they would get a bit harder - I did not expect Blizzard to mess up the tuning and make Delves largely unplayable :dracthyr_lulmao: