Save up to 50% with Great Deals!

Save up to 50% with Great Deals!

Save up to 50% on World of Warcraft Skyriding mounts and up to 30% on the Cataclysm Classic Blazing Heroic Pack and Blazing Epic Upgrade during our sale through 23 September 2024.

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No I donā€™t think so I already pay a sub.


Nah thx, first fix character restoratino then ask money, Thank you


Iā€™m not encouraging you by buying more stuff while the game is still a hot mess. Unless it offers a unique utility like the transmogger summon or the new bear that will enhance my gameplay somehow, Iā€™m not interested.

Utility items please.


You shouldnā€™t be sending out offers to buy shop prices at a cheaper rate, when the game is still not in the best of shape.

I can understand the shareholders want to make more money, but common sense seems to be lacking a bit over there at Blizzard and especially the community team for not voicing the frustration of the player base :wink:

Iā€™d rather spend that ā‚¬12.50 on fast food


You get enough of my money already! But throw in 30 new hairstyles for void elves to sweeten the deal and we can talkā€¦


Do that for gnomes and goblins tooā€¦

Iā€™d also kill for my Vulpera to have hair or a mane. Otherwise sheā€™s doomed to be in a hood for the rest of her life.


You can take my money on 2 things:

  1. Mount with AH and mailbox
  2. Druid forms because the bear is annoying and mage tower is unplayable this patch.

Looking like its possibly fixed. I assume we will have to have maintenance before we can see it if it is true.

Not getting a single penny out of me in either WoW Diablo or anywhere else once my 12 month sub expires, until you restore my guild bank items.

This STILL isnā€™t fixed? What the hell. Should have fixed it when they fixed Auction House from Hell.

Ok im now wondering how cat mount is in sky r and how she do spins in air i bet looks funny.

Purchasing a mount through the shop doesnā€™t work. Tried 3 times, risking blocking my card for failed transactions. I had to buy balance first (which went through with 3D Secure, as it should) and will try to buy a mount when it gets added to my account with that. I hope that works. (EDIT: It did)

Blizzard, fix your shop, please. Or add GPay as an option for payment. That always works everywhere.

This. Instead of buying more, I am taking my leave. Get your act together instead of trying to push your sales. WoW is worse than a f2p game in that regard.

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