The Siren Isle update is now live!
Not even an attempt to fix the terrible class / spec imbalance, is this kind of a joke?
MM DR hunter went from bad spec to dead spec since the start of this patch. MM is overall weak and has one of the lowest m+ ceiling, if not the lowest, people either swap to other specs or stop playing entirely.
Holy Priest has been the worst m+ healing spec since start of this expansion, half of its talents are dead, and all abilities except for Heal, Flash Heal and HW Serenity are badly undertuned. Holy Priest is being beaten by discipline priest on both HPS and Utility, it performs worse on all type of key levels
Blood DK has a very poor survivability, on top of severely crippled self sustain since start of TWW. You need to be a very skilled and experienced player to even be able to tank 10s, you need to be an exceptional player to tank 12+, and tanking 15+ is next to impossible.
This spec has probably the highest skill floor and the lowest skill ceiling (the worst possible combination).
Brewmaster Monk fares barely better and has been forgotten by years
And you think people who play these specs are thrilled for your Siren Isle? Hell no! Even if it were more than a copy of Forbidden Reach, I would still not enjoy it with my favorite spec being a broken, disfunctional garbage that is unwanted even in lower keys, let alone pushing anything.
All them Vulpera going to pull insane numbers with that Bag of Tricks buff!!
Can we get some Class Balance please? Adjusting Racials is a good thing and all, but having this kind of class imbalance that we currently do, for such a long time, is nothing short of lazy. Hell, pay me, and i’ll do the research and Math on what needs to be done for you.
Yawn or more of a yaaaaaawn
You want to improve the use of some races . Buffing racials is ok , but can you give them more customizations also ? Almost no one wants to play something ugly with only 5-6 face /hair options and bad animations .
For instance , Kul’thirans are one of the least played races yet they only get new ears .
They need :
- more than 1 type of face , (They all look in their 50s and like they are brothers or sisters)
- more beard and hair options
- Better running and moving animations . The male Kul’thiran in particular looks like a brick with attached puppet arms, when jumping /falling
- Ability to slim down the body type to be more muscular than fat (aka reduce the pot belly)
Almost in the same leage as the infamous Twitter patch. Ear customizations is the big seller for this patch?
All nice and all.
But where is the dungeon tuning ? Where is the class tuning ? Because what you did is simple peanuts.
Why do you wait so long to do the changes you need to do ? I simply dont understand it.
Remove affixes. Fix the scaling. Fix mob casting… so many things to do and all that we get is a ring that is worse than a Hero ring, and some crummy class tuning?
Wow, the selfie patch looks good compared to this.
This is a x.x.7 patch, not a x.1
No, the ears aren’t even the main thing, it’s the new zone and the ring.
This is a minor patch that adds a new zone with all its new stuff. How can people compare it to the selfie patch which was a major patch that added nothing is beyond human comprehension.
All they need to do is visit various class discords where people have been heavily mathing out problems and solutions. And no, they’re not biased “Buff us, and nerf DHs LMAO” kind of posts, but the kind of things that Ion did back in the day when he and his guild proved that C’thun was unkillable.
But they would much rather just throw darts and a dartboard and go: “Ah ok, Felblade needs a buff! THAT"S what DHs need!”
On the racial side, do these even do anything? I like My Nightbornes and Mag’har, but I doubt these buffs are gonna make their racials any better.
But hey, maybe one day racials will be on par with Stoneform and Vani…I mean Shadowmeld.
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