What is the meaning of blue heart in Eye of Eternity raid?
Since I am farming mount, will it when it drops, come from this heart or this just, in a way, represents Malygos?
What is the meaning of blue heart in Eye of Eternity raid?
Since I am farming mount, will it when it drops, come from this heart or this just, in a way, represents Malygos?
If I remember this right the blue heart was a quest item clickable for the Malygos kill. If my memory isn’t totally weird (which it could be) loot comes from a fire ball’ish clickable.
The heart of magic.
It’s just a powerful artefact that didn’t see much use outside of a single quest to kill him.
That is the Heart of Magic, not actually Malygos’s heart, just a super powerful magical object.
It’s a part of a short questline involving Sapphiron in Naxxramas, the Key to the Focusing Iris and the fight then in the Eye of Eternity to collect the Heart.
Way back in early Wrath of the Lich King it was a pretty good way to get your hands on a nice neck item that was decent item level from what I remember, it’s been a while
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