Yo-Ho-Ho! Prepare for pirates, prizes, and plenty of plundering as sixty of your favorite content creators clash once more within the storm-plagued peaks of Arathi Highlands. This unique event sets sail on Twitch and YouTube on January 25, starting at 10:00 am PST / 18:00 GMT.
Okay… What if I have no favorite content creators? What do I do then?
Why is this company so obsessed with making everything an eSport…
Then you can watch for the entertainment of it all or simply skip it.
Lazy content, give back the sub money to customers.
In that case a Blizzard Entertainment Task Force will be dispatched to your residence and they will force you to watch it Clockwork Orange style…
I’m really not interested in content creators, not in the least because so many of them come across as either completely inauthentic or excessively preachy.
I think it’d be much cooler to allow regular players to sign up and have a laugh in a purely unfiltered event.
if you have no interest in Plunderstorm whatsoever then you do what I do.
You don’t watch it and you don’t play it.
The only surprising thing here is that Blizzard isn’t offering a recolored mount for filming yourself watching and sharing the video on Twitter.