With the launch of the 4.4.2 Hour of Twilight patch next week, we’re implementing a 30% reduction to the health and damage of all bosses and other enemies in the Firelands raid. This will be done via a debuff that applies to all enemies, called Power of Stormrage.
Players who would prefer to deactivate the debuff can speak to General Taldris Moonfall inside the entrance of the Firelands raid and select the option to remove it.
Some dickhead talked to that NPC and disabled the debuff while we were running FL HC.
We tried to find a way to reverse it, went out, reseted instances, disband and reform the raid. Nothing worked, and the NPC didn’t have the option to turn the debuff on again…
Ruined our ID, just because of some moron in a random PUGs.
Blizzard, why didn’t you think of something like this and add the option to that NPC once it’s disabled ?