Why dismount when taking some quests?

why cannot i stay mounted?

Are you sure that it’s the quest that’s dismounting you? Maybe you right-clicked a critter on the ground or perhaps you clicked an ability and that did it? Because from what I can remember, quests do not dismount you except in very special and specific circumstances.

In most cases you should not be dismounted indeed. The game will however still dismount you when you interact with the game objects (not NPCs).
Some examples would be Deepflame Campfire and Calling Conch that you use to select your ally in Nazjatar, or Bounty Board used to start some of the bounty quests.
You would also be dismounted in areas around key quest NPCs, yet in that case it would be area around, not the interaction with this particular NPC.
If you would encounter situation that would not fall under the above, feel free to report it in game (Esc → Help → Submit Bug).

The Bounty Board in the alliance hub will dismount you, the one in the horde hub won’t.

The chests around Nazjatar also dismount you when you talk to them for your dailies from the followers… Really annoying.

Some NPCs have dismount zones because people loved to block them with mounts, preventing people from accepting important quests (e.g. at expanison launch)

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