How play 2 wow in one time

Helle is there any way how how play 2 wows on 1 account ? I want be in classic and make on retail daily quets but dont wanna leave classic bcs after i have long que :frowning: anyone have some tip how to do that ? thanks

You can’t play both retail & classic at the same time, not sure why

You need two accounts. on one you can play BFA, on another Classic.

You can also do BFA:BFA, Classic:Classic.

You still need two accounts

It’s not possible to play both WoW versions at the same time because Classic characters are on the same license as BFA characters so you can be logged only into one version of the game at the same time, unless you have multiple WoW licenses with active game time.

If you have for example WoW1 and WoW2 and both have an active subscription, you can play BFA on one and Classic on the other.


I would be nice though if one would be logged out of BfA when the que for Classic is thru and you are connected to the server.
Instead of beeing logged out of BfA when you enter the que for Classic.


Give it a few more weeks and most queues should be very short if not gone.

While this answer is technically correct and true, can we admit that with the queues for (many) Classic servers, it is also deeply frustrating and quite unacceptable from a player perspective? There is no overlap and they are clearly not the same game. The problem is technical, and a technical solution should be implemented.

An answer such as “we are working on a way to let you queue while playing and then give you a 5 minute window to switch” would do so very much for community morale.

What queues?

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Could we possibly see a change to this at all in future? I know many people would love the ability to play both at once, eg farm transmog in BFA while forming a group for a dungeon in Classic.

It’s a battle .net limitation not a WoW limitation so it would have to be the Battle .net team that look into that and that would take time from other issues, upgrades. Battle .net serves all of Blizzard’s modern online games and CoD.

It would be nice though I doubt it happening because then you could just share your account if you don’t intend to play BfA but your friend wants to play it or vice versa so someone could effectively play the game for free.

Doesn’t really change that it’s a pretty poor state from the player’s perspective
 Most other games don’t have login queues.

Most of us have been around MMOs for a fair bit and know what it’s like with launches.

Blizzard did communicated EVERY DAY about server queues and cautioned people about the size of queues before launch. New servers were opened when it looked like current ones couldn’t cope. They even got FCM up and running.

Most other games are not as popular.

Why would you want to do your daily chores? Anyway, if you did then two accounts is the way. I guess that’s by design for peeps who just can’t get enough of their chores.

How about you Blizzard to remove this greedy restriction? Since it’s 2 different games on same license with single subscription, you should be able to play both at same time


MONEY, thats the only reason why as you can play retail/ptr/beta/hs/ov/hots at the same time.

Exactly, its GREED nothing more.

No, its not! its a fake limitation made by activision in the hopes to get more bucks.

theres something called ips/mac adress to avoid this

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God xd Yeah, if you can’t play at once, it’s obviously greed. But why stop here? I want to play with my other toons on BFA while logged in on my main. They’re different characters right?

Apples and pears friend.

Precisely. You can’t even log into Battlenet while another device is logged in, without the other being kicked, so you’d have to play it on the same device at the same time. No sharing possibility for playing two games at the same time. And then there’s the thing that locks your account as soon as you log in from a different PC, and so on. There’s enough restrictions that make possible account sharing a non issue.

while i understand this overall is a positive thing, I doubt they’d do it. In order to prevent account sharing. Sometimes abusers of a system force devs to create restrictions that annoy others who aren’t abusing.