8th July Announcement

The Q&A sessions seem to be the worst offenders with that.

I will watch this though unlike the Q&A, which I usually just follow on MMO Champ/Icy Veins/Wowhead.

If i can play the beta i will definitely try it out, i’m tired of bfa, and i didn;t even play it that much.

I think they will talk about beta because most stuff is already implemented so it’s good to start beta soon. They might talk more about covenants and soulbinds. Of course they will talk about Torghast and the Maw. On top of that they will talk about new customization and how complete it is now.

Why did I think this was today? I really need to look at the actual calendar more often.

Lets play word bingo. Phrases that Ion will use:

“We feel that” - is a dead cert.

“Kahunas like wrecking balls” - probably a long shot

Lets hear yours!


unless they announce shadow priest revamp - remove trash void form, else it’s gonna be rubbish.

Tbh I am not even expecting any announcements because they said “updates about SL” not “announcements about SL” and think the majority of people will be severely disappointed.

I hope I’m wrong though, I need a pre-patch date T_T

Everyone is so excited for the release date and I’m just sitting here building my little TD brick tower, wondering how high it can get.

I’m certain we’ll get…

A Beta announcement for Shadowlands.
An official release date for Shadowlands.
A PTR testing preview for patch 9.0.

That has to come. Those are 3 essential points of information Blizzard needs to convey prior to Shadowlands. The live stream is for that.

I’m hopeful we’ll get…

A TBC Classic WoW announcement.

John Height is there. That’s his territory. Ahn’Qiraj is already in motion. Naxxramas is too soon to talk about. A TBC announcement is not unrealistic. It would be a low-key announcement, but given the presence of COVID-19, everything kind of is these days.

I’m curious about…

Ion Hazzikostas’ office space.

Blizzard are touting this as both Ion and John live streaming from their homes. So surely we’re going to see Ion’s background.
A nolife lair like Asmongold’s?
A green screen?
Greek columns and statues galore?
A sofa and TV with a mundane painting on the wall and fresh flowers in a vase?
Morbid curiosity, but still…

Maybe they’ll hype the upcoming Shadows Rising novel a bit as well. Wouldn’t put it past them.


I also hope he resigns.


If you want to be really pedantic - the Blue wasn’t wrong. GMT stays GMT year round and we move on to BST for the summer months. So the show will actually start at 4pm GMT/5pm BST.

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TBH I’m a little worried they might announce that Shadowlands is delayed until 2021, so that they have the time to get things right. We’re edging closer to the autumn and the expansion still seems rather light-weight and untuned on the alpha.

It would be pretty cool if after going through all the information relevant to Shadowlands and Beta and Classic WoW and so on, he also publicly announced that you are an imbecile. It wouldn’t be a surprising announcement to anyone, but I think most players would see it as a welcoming and natural one amongst all the other ones. Definitely one worth communicating to the playerbase as something we can all agree on and get together around as a community.


You weren’t the only one. :woozy_face:


This made me laugh, I can just imagine the uproar if Ion really did something like this towards a player.

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It’s very sad you’re not permabanned .


The sentiment you expressed about Ion is essentially the same I expressed about you.
If you think your post was fine, then mine was too.

People will complain about it regardless.
So that’ll be a fun read after. :slight_smile:

So wait, what time is it set to start in UK time?

It is hype! :globe_with_meridians: