9.0 Abilities wishlist :

This. I know that we’re not supposed to be a ranged class, but throw us and our furry friend Scripps here a bone (figuratively speaking).

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DH are melee class as well and their Glaive Throw, which has the same CD as HT, has no min. range, hits up to three people and does more damage pr. hit.

Yeah, I know, no direct comparison and all that, however, that’s so frustrating since its an ability that works exactly the same and is clearly superior in every way on a Class that already had beyond superior AoE abilities. At least add something to HT.


Heroic Trown: I would love if they rework (for Arms) back again it was like in Wotlk , a simple and only Range skill the warrior has, like: 1 min cd and does like half of a mortal strike dmg…
i remember really good (unfortunately) in Wotlk MS did like 4-5k dmg and Heroic Trown 2-3k, or 4k when uber crits…
i’ve killed so many people back in the day when they tried to run from me with low HP and i clicked that spell…DING 3k dmg…rogue dead x)… so fun days…

kek my first post got deleted and i got 18hrs banned from forum because my post agreed with yours :smiley: i agree that stances will be a step back in time.


My wish would be make Arms Mastery better, like stacking and able to get faster threw haste. And a little dmg increase to the skills that activates Deep Wounds, so mastery is better than versatility.

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My wish is that Arms, in general, gets a large overhaul.

Overpower: When Overpower is used the Arms Warrior gains 10 Rage.

Auto-attack: The Rage gained from Auto-attack is reduced.

Tactician: Tactician has a 30% chance to reset the CD of Overpower. This gives a 20% stacking buff that increases the chance to proc. When Tactician procs the stacks are reset.

Deep Wounds: The damage from Deep Wound has been lowered too and every other damage that’s connected to deep Wounds is increased appropriatly.

Mastery: Overpower: Mastery increases the damage of Overpower by XX%


I’m not a fan of Mastery only empowers one ability. I would rather see more abilities in there.
Like Slam, MS, Deep Wounds, Bladestorm, Warbraker(Colossus Smash) and Execute.

Sharpened Blade should be a passive within Overpower. Skullsplitter should be the baseline filler with Overpower on charge cd with 2 charges. Execute needs a buff, MS also. Slam should be a CD skill with a little stun or push back.

Double Time, Stormbolt baseline.
Defense Stance passive without dmg reduce.
DbtS and Ralling Cry 1 min CD cause there is no selfheal on Arms.
Change Colossus Smash with Warbraker, so baseline AoE skill and if you go for single target change it with increased dmg.

That is what i think of what warrior needs to be compitiv


Every class has a benchmark of X DPS they do. The better the things are or affect other things the lower the damage our abilites have to be in order to keep within the X.

Excute was already a problem for the Class. As the damage of it improved the other abilities had their damage reduced. What the point of doing massive hits after 20% when we can never get anyone below 20% health since the damage on our other abilities is bad?

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No but Execute should feel like an execute. I even would accept a bigger cd.
Still mastery around one skill ends up in getting a lot versatility being slightly better than mastery.

Oh to add a change hatrmstring could be a passive effect of Deep Wounds.

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baseline more haste / scaling better… would be enough ^^ so that you arent that much focussed on it

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  1. Rage
    More baseline rage-building abilities like Skull Crusher, Overpower gaining rage is also a good beginning with
  2. Mastery
    -Mastery should be stackable
    -Execute and Bladestorm don’t trigger Deep Wounds
  • only Mortal Strike and Cleave (goes Baseline!)
  1. Mobility and Defense
  • more specific battle shouts and Banners (war leader)
  • more parry and avoid mechanics (battle master) // (if still no real selfheal)
  • heroic leap and charge should do more

Remove 2nd charge from DH and problem solved.


Because everyone deserves to have more mobility than a Warrior when it comes to escaping melee, a Warrior who can only do their damage when in melee.

That’s one of the reasons Warriors are so bad competetively when it comes to high rankings. They’re one of the Classes in the game that has the worst mobility. DKs people say? DKs have good mobility if you factor in their counter mobility skills as well. Escaping from a DK is a lot harder than escaping from a Warrior as they have a ranged snare, movement increase, and a counter movement skill. This is their basic skill package. Meanwhile Warriors have one teleport that requires a target to work and a snare that’s either one target melee range or a 10-yard range PBAoE in their basic tool kit.

This is a symptom of people complaining that they’re were unable to get away from the Warrior, then the Warrior’s mobility was crippled beyond all reason and now they’re free Honor and useless unless they have backup that does all the work. And everyone complained and wanted better tools because in their narrative they were better than they were so when they lost to a Warrior it was obviously because the Warrior Class was haxx0r and OP. It could never have anything to do with people themselves being bad. NO WAY!!!

And Blizzard listened despite saying themselves that in most cases you lose in PvP because of you instead of your opponent. The proof is that Warriors, after the change people wanted, are bad.

Paper is fine, please nerf Rock - Regards Scissor.


For those who ask for Old Heroic Throw with more damage but more CD remember that we cannot wield ranged weapons at the same time as melee weapons.

Right now the use I make is in PvE to pull mobs and in PvP to destroy totems, to keep someone in combat and get azerite/trinket procs.

I really prefer very short CD or have old normal thrown back with thrown weapons.

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Quite suprised no one mentioned Heroic Strike,

  1. Ability to charge into doors and break them as an alternative to lockpicking.
  2. Make impending victory baseline for both pve and pvp survivability.
  3. Give Heroic leap a short aoe stun effect.
  4. Make a new pve-centric spell “ overwhelming shout “ instantly pacifying mobs close to the warrior as a Rogue-shroud alternative.

If excecute does the same as touch of death (instant death below 10%) but with 20% and 0 cd it would be absolutely broken.
if execute does too much dmg everytime you play against a warrior is like playing with 80% of your HP, that would be stupid.
Once again execute should have good dmg with 100 rage, but maybe 10% more dmg than MS when you use it with low rage

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The damage of Execute will ALWAYS come from out total amount of damage done. The bigger the damage of the Execute the lower our other damage will do. That was the issue in late Legion where Execute damage became so prevalent that our pre-Execute damage suffered.

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  • SW 20 rage ,heals on roots and cc’s.
  • Shattering Throw
  • Intervene (Arms)
  • Mocking Flag
  • Single Minded Fury
  • ThrowDown
  • 16 sec charge with root / double charge 20 sec
  • Slam stacks
  • Heroic Throw (silence) xD
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Hello there, after reading the entire topic. I wonder myself why did I pick warrior as main and druid as alt? Because warrior is not as it used to be. Anyone in the same situation as me? And yes, we need more CC cuz Locks and Mages are OP Af.

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