9.05 mmr nerfed?

you got a nerve to post that as a mage xDDD


Yes exactly this hateful and toxic behavior is the sole reason why the game sucks su much. Instead if trying to find a solution, go for hate instead.

“u mage”

sjw100%power xD


They had it in Warcraft 3 ladder if we back in days. If u don’t play ur personal rating going down.

P.S. And more u highter rating(or lvl i don’t remember what was it in old WC3 ladder) u had more drops u got if not played. So highter rating plyers got big push in head if not played(dropped, wintraded and stopped, boosted so on). Thats can solve some problems in TOP ladder, i’d say a lot of problems.

I was telling myself that there was a problem, thank you for your answer

Can’t we just have a system like other games where after a season ends you do placement matches and end up on a lower bracket depending on the winrate.

For example in league of legends if i’m diamond 3 in the previous season and i win 5/10 of my placement matches i end up in platinum 3 for example?

And in rank 1 range you lose rating if you don’t participate it wouldn’t be fair the reduce the ratings of people below the cutoffs because they usually lfg.

Basically same rank 1 system with masters league and challenger rank in LoL

So main concern for devs is this? Rating and mmr at %0.01?

Meanwhile 1.4k-1.8k brackets are full of boosters?

Meanwhile no balance changes for months even though some specs are so broken?

Meanwhile you have to win 300-400 games for pvp gear while being handicapped by %20 character strength because of gear since there is no catch up?

Hopeless i doubt devs even play pvp or have pvp team at all shame keep spitting on pvp playerbase but im sure it will make blizzard more money.

Yes it had first 2 months when people were naive enough to think that devs would care about pvp this season.

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Wdym? This is exactly what you did? He just pointed out that you are playing a mete class as well, which is correct. No hate, no toxicity.
You get insta offended while being the one who calls out meta classes first?

It’s where the most famous PvP streamers tend to play at, you know.

Yes, they said about changes thats have zero effect on any1 who read forums and 99.9% casual players. Thats how they working last years, same for PvE.

Rewards need to be limited to after the season ends again, people who can’t get %Season Glad simply push 2400, get their mount,tabard & ‘glad’ title then drop their rating and farm gold.

Seeing people with literally 25 characters to boost with is something to behold, most notable boosters you can always find at xunamate.com & most games played.

Also if u see any gearing changes in 9.1 not cuz they care about casual players, but they do care about hardcore PvE players forced to do PvP. They only care abou 0.1% of player base who do TV show.


I think it’s the other way around

That is not true.

Right now it is impossible to queue at 3.1k+ mmr since no one else is, so the ladder is effectively dead on the top. That means teams who started later into the season and that is suppost to be 3k might be 2.9k, teams that are suppost to be 2.9k are 2.8k etc, it is a cascading effect.

This change could mean that raiting increases for everyone and that we might see participation increase

Wait what?
Now except arena full of Boosters ,we will have to deal with r1 in queues also?
How low xp players are supposed to progress when they face Boosters , R1 and 226iL ppl at 1.8cr?

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