9.1.5 Patch Notes Leaks

It’s better quality fanfic than the Shadowlands story atm.

Who am i to disagree?

Dig through the dishes and burn through the wishes

traveled the world
And the seven seas…

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This is BS.

More choregast = delete account

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Not really. In BFA you could get equivalent of high end mythic gear for 5 masks run + bonus objectives. The question is - if it is real leak, - trough how much rings they would make players jump for to get the loot.

Definitely sounds fake here.


Could just be the omg we are crashing pull the lever and give them everything they want moment.

No. 5mask was 470 ilvl. Mythic Ny’alotha was 475. So if one would want to copy that then it would be 246/247 but not 252.

everyone is saying fake speaks already volumes of how terrible this company is.

The changes in the “leak” are really great and what the game needs. And just because the changes are great for the game, everyone debunks them as fake.

haha, way to go blizz. Nobody believes that you actually can make any useful changes, LOL!


I debunk them as fake not because they sound nice but actually quite the opposite in regards of torghast. 252 from Torghast is way too high ( 247 would already be plenty enough if one wants to go the same route as with the Horrific Visions (which just like Torghast werent well received)). This, while Torghast is already hated, gives people a new bone to say “so i am forced to do torghast once more” because of the big loot that would otherwise only be obtainable through a max level Vault or Mythic Raids. People already feel semi forced into it due to the adamant vault.

The Valor Vendor would also be a two sided blade because after you bought items for VP that are the equivalent of normal gear (unless its a domination slot) you are now inable to upgrade the piece due to the VP cap. Should have farmed it instead of buying it buddy. Would make more sense to have M+ drop account bound tokens that let you buy said items rather than forcing you to spend Valor Points.

I would rather buy it that they pull the ripcord after all and make the M+ rating account wide for upgrades to please the already enraged playerbase for starters.

Savage :laughing: :sob:


Also too many admissions of listening to feedback and self reflection. They are patch notes, not a confessional.


Sadest thing about those notes is that they would fix almost all shiat Shadowlands have had since alpha. :rofl:

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Who am I to diss a Brie?
I’ve Cheddared the world and the seven seas…

OK, I’ll get me coat… :laughing:


I was almost happy then until people started saying ‘fake’.
So many things that would make my playing life just a little easier


Indeed. And they should have been in the game since 9.0. Including unlocking all systems for alts. Players want content not fing systems.


Hey, don’t let the pessimists destroy your optimism. It could be true.

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Then why so many typos in the notes then? Those are like early April Fool’s joke except that every line and verse would fix the damn expansion. And that’s what makes it so soul destroying as a troll.