a regent don’t have a crown though Turalyon is not the king of stormwind his a regent turalyon cannot legally claim the throne of stormwind no matter what the house of nobles say they have 0 say in who has a legal right to the throne as long as Anduin is still alive his still 100 % the rightful and legal King of Stormwind thus Turylon has no choice to remove him self from the throne when Anduin returns i doubt Blizzard has the balls to kill a OG warcraft character like Turaylon who only recently came back after people wondered what happen to him and Alleria since TBC
I’m too tired to get into this argument in length again and please, I don’t want to sound like a grammar n@zi but please use commas and points in your texts to make them easily readable.
Anduin has named Turalyon high commander of the Alliance and regent himself in « Shadows Rising », the House of the Nobles didn’t decide that. They’re merely supporting a decision that the king had made himself.
Turalyon bringing only darkness while he sat on the vacant throne of Stormwind could have easily happened while we were all stuck in the Shadowlands for God knows how long. It’s too early to confirm who that prophecy is about just yet, I just said what I believe in for now but that might change, there is no option that decisively beats all the others yet in my opinion. We’ll see when it happens.
the “crown” of light will bring only darkness a Regent does not have crown …Turalyon maybe the supreme commander but his still a Foreigner to the kingdom of stormwind his a noble of the fallen kingdom of lordaeron which is to say he has no noble rights or privileges within stormwind I’m not saying your 100 % wrong nedra i just can’t see how they could make it about turalyon without a massive rear pull
Stormwind as a nation was founded by the line of Wrynn there for only a Wrynn can sit on the throne unless said Wrynn line goes extinct they are the de facto rulers no matter what and the house of nobles has only ever been a plot mcguffin that blizzard refuses to explore if Turalyon refused to give up the throne his basically a Traitor to Stormwind and everyone would turn against him there is just no room in the lore for turalyon to do anything shady (and ye i know he tortured that orc with alleria but she was a sylvanas loyalist she had it coming) or start of some light zealot crusade is what i’m saying his authority is extremely limited
Alright, you’re right, I’m wrong.
And I don’t think the story they were talking about when they made those prophecy quotes is the one they’re actually doing now, whomever they meant. Especially if they planned a “Pelagos brings darkness” plot, since I am quite certain the next addon will waste no time before distancing itself from the Shadowlands plot.
to me it would just make sense that someone from the shadowlands would take it up. I’m guessing that out of the vast cast of characters cough that the shadowlands boasts which are also native to the shadowlands this one was one of the more prominent
Wether they planned on him from the start or rather go for Pelegos cause most people don’t really have a strong tie to the NPC (even if he feels like more then a minor character) meaning most people can just keep not caring about shadowlands lore post shadowlands
I’ve also played 0 kyrian chars so I don’t know anything about the trans pelegos thing, is it just that he was female in life and now male in the afterlife or does it go deeper then that?
The question is what happens when Turalyon claims that because Anduin has been touched by death (or just generally has been missing for ages from the land of the living) he will not be willing to claim it for himself?
The crown can also mean several things historically, first the most logical is the headress associated with the word but in the past the crown has also been used to refer to the head of the royal family or the royal family in and of itself, in some cases like in a handfull of constitutional monarchies the crown refers to the literal right to rule. Either way because Turalyon was placed by Anduin and Anduin isn’t there to keep tabs he could still strongarm his way with his army of the light into power while technically representing the Wrynn dynasty (the crown)
regency is not a right to rule that’s why they are regents and not kings take lotr for example why was gondor ruled by a regent and not a king when the line of kings was broken ages ago because the regent had no right to the throne they was not a blood member of the founding families and all those founding families was clearly dead same reason that that Theron was offered the throne of Quel’thalas because all the sunstriders with rights to the Sun throne was dead we’ve already seen Anduin in 9.2 and he looks fine he might have some mild PTSD but beyond that looks just fine
Is it subverting expectations though ? I mean I had next to no expectations.
Here is the thing and why I think this is a bad idea. On one hand we have this god like being we know next to nothing about and mostly don’t care about it and on the other hand we have this character we know very little about (granted more than we know about the Arbiter) and again don’t care about, combine them we end with an all powerful entity that no one cares about but should because its a major plot character than no one cares or empathizes with.
Hey you take that back, Theotar the Mad Duke would have been an awesome Arbiter.
TBF I was also very skeptical about Pelegos after seeing how the media marketed him and thought that he would probably be just a political talking point, but his identity has barely been mentioned if at at all apart from that short text where he explained that he was a women when he was alive. Granted he is a horribly written character or at least a very boring one, but we have no real reason to believe (for now) that he would be turned into a mouth piece for political ideologies.
Ha, you think they had plans for these stories ? Judging by the quality of writing and the lack of consistency it has with the pre-established lore I am more inclined to believe that the “creative” team just scrambled a bunch of nonsense that sounded ominous and mysterious and though “eh, we’ll just jury rig these prophesies at some point when we feel like it”. I don’t think there is a grand plan for the story, hell I don’t even think there is a grand plan for the expansions, feels way more that the story is written/made up patch by patch than preconceived.
You misunderstand me. I don’t think there is any plan they are willing to stick to. But I do think the people who are paid to write the story spend time pitching their ideas to the future to each other in their anti-negativity dojo. And the stuff they are throwing on the wall today is the stuff that makes it into the foreshadowing whispers and texts of the next patch, and might or might not make it to the next addon 1-2 years later. Just like that old King Anduin scene from that one comic, which was the result of some possible story developments they were talking about at the time, but have most likely totally abandoned by now.
It’s just that in the case of Shadowlands I am quite certain that the crappy ideas they introduced won’t last to the next addon, while it just might have happened if they hadn’t failed so badly.
There isn’t really a way to keep any semblance of stakes, while also getting the arbiter back. Just makes everyone else look dumb for not doing it earlier and thus halting the Maw’s expansion completely.
As far as Pelagos’s trans state goes… Who gives a hoot? Not like it has any influence on the character he doesn’t have.
Oh I agree, and it was joke. However you have to admit it would have been funny if the “judge of souls” asked everyone to remove their shirts as they were waiting to be send to an afterlife XD.
Well here’s the thing about Pelegos, people shouldn’t really care about the fact he is trans, and again I agree it should not be something that drives the story. Buuut it should somewhat have influence on his character, I don’t mean he should be paraded around like a token, but he should have been more masculine. He is a female to male transgender, meaning he should be trying to imitate the surface level behavior of men. Sorry if I worded that poorly and if its offensive to trans people.
It kinda feels like he was a random character that got picked to represent X minority group.
I figured lol. Seen plenty of this kind of jokes, when it first came out of the datamines.
That’s kind of the problem tho. He is just kind of there and that’s it.
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