Becoming a GM

I do not know where to put this but still. I am wondering what it would take to become a GM on a wow server/realm, if there are any rules of who can become a GM or if its anyones game. Anything would help

Note: im not looking at the moment to become a gm i just whant to know if i can.

Not sure if you mean Game Master or Guild Master, but I’ll try to explain.

A Game Master is a customer service representative from Blizzard who have it as their job to fix problems players might have and they cover all servers for the language the rep. speak. A player can’t become one through ingame means, a person have to apply for the job like most other jobs.

Guild Master on the other hand is just what it sounds like, a leader of a guild ingame. This is something anyone can become, there are of course no restrictions for this.


i meant game master.
i understand thank you

No problem!

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You would have to be employed by Blizzard

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Very much this - in addition being a GM also involves working from one of our two EU offices (either Versailles in France, or Cork in the Republic of Ireland).


What’s a typical salary for a GM? Just ballparked?

The staff in Ireland office report that it is around 23,000 euros or £20,000. which is pretty standard for a customer service role in a professional environment.

(Source: Glassdoor)


I once considered the job, when i lived in France and even had CV prepared to be sent over, but then I got into other ventures. And now 10 years later I would apply to different job in there if ever.

Unfortunately, I can’t really answer that as:

  1. Like any job, salary depends on many factors such as previous experience, knowledge, which office, personal negotiations during the hiring process etc. Even then the term “Game Master” is fairly broad and covers several functions and additional responsibilities, and things like performance can also affect the salary.
  2. It’s been some years since I worked in the customer support department so I’m not really up to date on what the going rates are etc.

I guess it’s also worth clarifying that our Game Masters provide support for most Blizzard games. It’s very unlikely someone would be hired just to be a GM on a specific World of Warcraft realm for example.


When blue boys answer , you know they want you.
Atleast , that’s how CIA hires their agents!
Send the resume OP!

Weren’t a lot of CS staff recently let go at Blizz?

If you’re looking for job security I would think of a different career path.


How do you know dis? :thinking:


Yeah, Activision nuked them, then realised they made a boo-boo and then opened up most of the positions again and filled them. With new hires.

More like they did not made a booboo but most likely its just them replacing workers with people that get paid less

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old timers - earn more

new hires - earn minimum wages because “im woking for blizzard hurray”

its typical behaviour for all corporations on unimportant positions.


Duh because he is a CIA agent :crazy_face:JK of course.

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Deep under cover :shushing_face:

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A month?


No, per week.