Improved Character Customization Options: A host of new appearance options for all races will be made available to players when they create new World of Warcraft characters (or alter existing ones at the in-game barber shop).
Hopefully we’ll get to hear and see a bit more of this in the upcoming panel.
Yeaaa, i wonder what it means!
sounds nice
22.30 CET
So in little over an hour. 
I’m curious if we get to look more asian, 'cause that’s the wibes I’m getting from the screenshots.
Spoiler alert: I cant’ stand the asian inspired artstyle.
Sorry, I’m gonne end up as the most salty person on the forums this week. Or month.
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Really hoping they will add new customizations for Nightbornes
Which is 21:30 gmt in guessing.
Ok I reread what you said
and now I feel stoopid.
Yes! Maybe our wish will be granted 
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Cool, I can’t wait to see new customization options for Void Elves, if all races include them as well. 
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Well I can’t watch I don’t have a ticket 
If this is true, it is the first thing I am liking of the new expansion.
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Their art teams never let me down.
So… exciting, yes?
Quite excited here too! What kind of customization options would you like to see?
Shoe laces! In different colors! 
A human thats not a based on a strong man or a buff muscle god… I want a thin skinny mage… is it to much to ask for.
I’m mainly thinking about Void Elves so, new hair styles and tattoos (maybe with voidy glow effect as extra option). Which would make sense as Void Elves are the one who got a skimpy heritage armor but they lack body customization features to show off, where as Nightborne’s armor is not so much in comparison but they have tattoo option. So I find this weird. 
And since we’re talking about customization I’d love to finally see the options to show hair when having hoods on.
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Yes!!! I hope they add tattoos and scars for all races. I’m excited to find out more about this.
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