A Buyer has been found message

I started playing again like two months ago and I noticed that I am no longer receiving the ‘A buyer has been found…’ message when I sell something on the auction house unless the Auction house window is open. Anyone encountered the same issue? The only AH addon I have is Auctionator.

Since you have an AH related addon you may have to inspect its options to see if something new has been added or boxticked that suppresses this message. For addon related help you also need to contact the addon maker.

Blizzard can only advise you to disable or remove the addon and test it out if it works fine without it.

I also see you have a thread open on the UI & Macro forums so you didn’t need to create multiple threads about this, but it’s very likely a setting or addon update that caused it.

I disabled all addons and still didn’t work

Disabling doesn’t work for testing addon problems, you need to uninstall them entirely.