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Community is no longer active (not that it ever was very active)
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This is great for all Guild Masters, not only by be part of a comunity for GMs only but make guild system great again, join us fellow GMs, For the Aliance!!!

This is great for all Guild Masters, not only by be part of a comunity for GMs only but make guild system great again, join us fellow GMs, For the Aliance!!!

Nice to be part of the community. Even my guild is not “a top guild” in any standards, we are one of the oldest pure social guilds and still kicking. Good to have insight on how other guilds work.

Since the GM job is pretty much the same regardless of faction, the faction restriction seems a little arbitrary tbh.

This community is growing everyday, if some GM is having hard time leading the guild and look for advise from other more experienced GMs, or between big patches guilds tend in have less activity, then now is the time to join!