[A - Defias Brotherhood] Lunar Legacy - A guild with more than WoW to offer

Lunar Legacy - We are more than World of Warcraft
So, unfotunate as it is, Lunar Legacy has lost a lot of members to other games but we are still all active on our discord server and we are still looking for new members to join us.

To us gaming is somewhere we hang out, it doesn’t matter what game it is, but whom you do it with. We can offer you World of Warcraft and whatever other games the members of our discord are active in.

A little about Lunar Legacy
Founded in Nov 2017 and got a rather weird start as it was in the middle of an ongoing expansion but we grew larger and began raiding.

In weeks up BFA launch, we grew even larger and we now had no excuse not to start raiding and although we were a casual guild and still are, we managed to down Uldir HC and start RBG teams as well.

We cleared Battle of Dazar’alor on normal and went into HC but soon after our activeness started to drop. However, we’re still almost everyone in our discord chatting when we get on, which only proves what is said about us earlier in the post: it doesn’t matter what game we’re playing but whom we play it with

We want friends over players and family over friends. As one of our members once said: “You know, we are family but strangers. I guess you could say, we are a family of strangers.”

We are looking to grow bigger and start doing more stuff together again, I for one, the GM of this guild, miss having my friends fooling around with me ingame.

Want to become a member and a friend of Lunar Legacy?
Contact info:
Guild Master:
Scott (Divinatii)#8278 (Scott)
Jonas - Knockock#2617 (unfortunately inactive in the game at the moment)

Discord (remember to make sure to specify that you’re looking to join Lunar Legacy in WoW)
Knockock#7492 (Jonas)
Vaenr#6381 (Jamie)
Rothers#9800 (Dan)
Kash1m4#7978 (David)
Ostegoth#3938 (Ost)


Come on, join us! I’ve been around for well over a year now and it’s the best online community I’ve been part of. Send me a message if you want to know more. :smiley:

Edits will be coming shortly to the post, as we are getting ready for the next raid tier and if you can’t wait to see what changes will be made, you can always contact me or one of the members listed as an Officer :smiley:

First of all thanks for reading our post and showing interest. If you have any questions about PvP please get in touch with me. We are currently building a rating pushing team for season 2 which will have stricter requirements. We have a casual PvP night on Saturdays where we do RBGs and Warmode. This group is more relaxed and is great if you’re new to PvP or can’t make it every week.

You can get hold of me in-game on Leruu or on discord Vaenr#6381 if you have more questions.

Hope to see you in the guild soon!

Instructions after adding Knockock#2617 on battle.net
Added discord contact: Rothers#9800 (Dan)

Looking for members to welcome into the guild :slight_smile: If you’re interested in any of the above, send me a message and we’ll have a chat!

Still looking, contact any of the members above for a chat if you’re interested :slight_smile:

Looking for more people to have a laugh and raid with us on a Monday/Wednesday. We have PvP going off on a Saturday also so if you want to give that a bash message me :slight_smile: Ponkles#2916 on battlenet, Daan in game on Defias Brotherhood, or Rothers#9800 on Discord

Looking for more, come have a laugh. Message one of us in the description to get started!

Hello there, I am looking for a raiding and M+ buddies. I will get in touch tomorrow as I get home.

I’m sorry that you haven’t had any feedback but I hope you found what you were looking for anyway!