[A] Dreamers Lodge - A place to feel at home


I am looking for a mature and casual raiding guild and it seems yours is the right address. I always mained hunter since from 2006 and played always on the horde side. Apart from some couple mythic boss kills I have mainly in heroic progress guilds, but you can consider me as a casual social player. I am more than ok to be a reserve player and thank you in advance for considering my application. My bnet is Acheron#2628.

All the best


I’ve play wow since 2007 till around 2011 well up to the lich King away as holy paladin iv started back up now as a ret pally you seen the type of guild im looking for im not looking to raid every week becaues of my job I guess I could be a spare lol if you have me
Thanks for reading

We are still recruiting people, DPS spots are still open!

PS: Please apply, GM is holding my family hostage until I get more people to join :frowning: :disappointed_relieved:

Don’t believe Pnev, he’s lieing, I swear!

We also would love to have more healers join us! We do already have 2 resto shamans though.

hey looking for a new home in shadowlands to raid pvp and mythic in a fun environment, after returning to wow im just feeling a little on my own in my old guild and looking for a fresh start, 190 dh tank or dps, discord tag is Bigdavé (dave)#3417 let me know if you want to chat some more.

You sound like a cool bunch who knows how to have fun. :smiley:

I’ve been a raider on my main, holy priest, up until Lich King, took a long break and now I’m back enjoying the game once more (as holy priest still + assorted alts).

Would like to join your ranks, help out and have fun. Hit me up if interested. :smiley:

Holiday season has ended, and we are still recruiting to compensate the amount of socks we didn’t get this year :\

Santa has left, however the elves here are looking for healers and DPS looking to progress heroic Nathria.

We do all sorts of content (M+, world stuff etc etc) so come along and leave the pants at home :wink:

Evening again, calling all healers and DPS looking for a social guild who is also looking for a guild looking to push content, heroics, higher keys etc etc. Drop one of us a shout and come join the mad house.

I think I’ve been commenting on an old thread by accident… would love to join! My discord is Tommyputt#0949

I main a restoration Druid :slight_smile:

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