[A-EbonRP] Knights of the Ebon Blade :Skull: Ebon Blade Community

New day, new opportunities to cleanse this world of evil.

So much going on in Duskwood and nearby regions that more and more Knights are flooding to the area to heed our Call to Arms to battle the growing rise of cultists.

Few things are currently put on hold until BlizzCon due to want to see which direction the story is going to take but hopefully it will be a glorious one that will lead us into several interesting plotlines.

Overall we are slowly growing both as guild and community and finally we are starting to get the Ebon Council to get going too which been something I have wanted to happen but taken slowly because I do not feel rushing it would add much to the RP scene.

If you are interested in joining the DK scene do not hesitate me both regarding the guild or community.

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what a cool & original post

So far the new expansion ‘‘Shadowlands’’ looks to have great potential to create interesting story plots and specially 8.3 introducing new Death Knight races and more involvement with Bolvar so going to be interesting to toy around with the new stuff that will come soon.

But our current focus is to fight N’zoth in 8.3 actively in Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

But the hype is real so get ready to enter the Realm of the Damned as the Knights of the Damned!

With BlizzCon now finished when it comes to their WoW content and I must really say WoW about the next expansion.

I personally do like that we are getting rid of the Lich King and Scourge as that story served no further purpose beyond what we did get in WotLk and Legion and I have speculated during BfA this is likely the outcome of its future which is why we played cautious when it came to ‘‘joining the Scourge’’ or actively serving Bolvar.

Nonetheless time to look towards the future and I have some things to add.

First of all 8.3 is coming within few months like around january/february and the story will be about N’zoth attacking Azeroth and Uldum, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Orgrimmar and Stormwind will be the major spots here.

The Ebonsworn will be aiding in the battle against the Old God’s forces and will be actively fighting the forces in these zones and build events in the areas too.

When it comes to new Allied Races Death Knights we will be welcoming all races, both Horde and Alliance into the community and guilds and we look forward to explore the different angles of perspective their race may add into our brotherhood.

When it comes to Shadowlands I will be holding back a bit on our plans due to it is in early stage and some things may change but I am saying that we will be actively taking part in the expansion story and going to try to explore how that will be possible from the story that is being told.

So if you are interested in creating a new DK or planning to dust off a old one do not hesitate to poke us both when it comes to the guild but also if you just wish to join a community instead of a guild that option is available too.

Some other things to add is that few systems will be ‘‘installed’’ into the community soon such as weekly mission table to gather resources to be used to craft items, use meatwagon, call in a frostwyrm and so on.

We are also looking into getting 1-2 organized events up each week, one being a training session each two weeks to help newcomers to get into the emote scene but also to further improve the veterans experience in the field as well.

Ashes to ashes, the Shadowlands awaits once we downed N’zoth!

Good luck guys. Looking forward to RPing with you in the future. EB community has much to look forward to.

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Last time i checked it came out this summer. :thinking:

Ah damn thanks for pointing that meant 8.3 clearly.

With Shadowlands expansion announced I noticed increased interest in the Death Knight class and Ebon Blade overall which is great but I hope it is long lasting and not just temporary hype!

Nonetheless things are moving forward with a lot of new recruits and coming training sessions to get them into the unit properly and our battle in Duskwood continues as San’layn (Darkfallen) are roaming the region freely to cause terror and misery!

Also wish to add few random screenshots from the past two weeks most recent one is the Ebon Blade meeting we held with the local Ebon Knights in the region to discuss local issues.

The Ebon Meeting

Meeting with the Dragon

The end of a Rogue Knight

Discussion regarding future plans

Patrolling in Duskwood

As always we welcome any Ebon Blade member both to the community and any who seek an actual guild to the Ebonsworn or the Ebonbound.

We are open towards both factions as it is how the Ebon Blade faction works and we look forward in near future to get involved slightly more in potential Horde areas.

So if you have a guild and wish to get some cooperation do not hesitate to contact me either in-game, discord or through AA works fine as well.

Um, what? Please enlighten me why San’layn/Darkfallen would be in Duskwood of all places…


What? The Black Dragons would never seek aid from us mortals outside Wrathion? And regarding the forgivance by the Red Flight, what? The only one with authority for that is Alexstrasza herself from what i understand, not some random dragon from Twilight Highlands…

I do not know their reason why they came to Duskwood, all I know is that we do not want them there. 2 out of 5 Darkfallen have been taken care of so far with cooperation with the local orders.

I can’t really go into exact details yet due to the shady nature of it and I do not know exactly what you are talking about exactly we have never stated we been forgiven by the red dragons?

We sought their aid in Twilight Highland with local Cultist group that is all and we were even not allowed to stay within their encampment due to past trangressions.

As for the Black Dragon he seeks a powerful artifact in Icecrown which he needs Death Knights to escort him there, more than that I can’t go into yet.


I recall him seeking the aid of mortals during TBC, so it isn’t far fetched that a lone dragon who doesn’t have any real support anymore would seek out mortals to do their bidding.

The exact details of the negotiation is not to be revealed yet, but it will be a interesting event.

Notably, TBC is two expansions before all the Black Dragons started being wiped out. So good luck, pal.

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Are you claiming that Sabellian, Son of Deathwing, is the one who gave you the quest?

Also, if Ebonhorn, a Black Dragon cleaned from Old God corruption is able to be taken by said corruption, then why isn’t this Black Dragon taken by it? Especially since Sabellian is more sceptiable to its corruption then Ebonhorn and Wrathion?


I am not claiming Sabellian is giving the quest, I mentioned one example of a Dragon outside Wrathion who have sought aid from mortals.

I honestly do know very little of the Dragon and we look into doing one event with him which currently being planend with a nice twist in the end for the guild.

Yeah no, he has been awol on Outland for years, why would he suddenly come out of hiding now? And he is not safe from the old god corruption if we were to come to Azeroth, we even see Ebonhorn almost falling to them even. The only one that we know is immune is Wrathion.

Maybe you should just convert to full alliance at this point if you care so much about duskwood. shrug And still, why would Darkfallen/Sanlayn out of the blue attack Duskwood? They would surely prefer to remain hidden than venture deep into alliance controlled lands.

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I do not know, you are free to ask them yourself since I am not roleplaying them.

I honestly do not see why we would go Alliance because we aid Duskwood?

Last time I checked your DK isn’t Horde because your guild is in Ghostland alot?

As for the Dragon I can’t go into more details as the event is being planned out really. All I can add is that he isn’t a good guy and our ‘‘deal’’ with him is clearly shady and will lead into a nice twist in the end of the event since we clearly are not fond of aiding a potential war criminal but I do not want to reveal too much right now.

We are only in Duskwood due to the amount of evil being there. We are currently looking to get more involved in more Horde dominant areas too to get a better neutral vibe for the guild.

We’ve been there twice and not were not helping the region, more like being unwelcome guests digging up graves and taking the corpses to Acherus. Difference. And i am done

So Sabellian, per your last comments

Only evil i’ve seen in Duskwood are militia and church guilds, creating headcanon 2: electric boogaloo with those prison barns and whatnot.

I guess your presence and “active” contribution to the scene can only show what scene you (as a guild and, I guess, yourself personally?) prefer


He was brought up as a example that is all really. I never stated it was Sabellion in any of my replies that we were discussing with.

He kinda is the only dragon in Outland that asked the aid of adventurers in Outlands… And you stated:

Kinda gives away the fact, since as I stated above he is the sole black Dragon on Outlands asking the the aid of mortals… :frowning:

Ofcourse, I might’ve misunderstood you and perhaps there is another dragon in outlands that requested the aid of mortals in TBC/Outlands!