Loved yesterday, and am looking forward to today.
Hey! i would like to register for the event
Stall number :8
Stall name : Crashin Trashin toys and fireworks
And i have one question… I cant make it on time…i will probably come around 9pm, so is it possible to reserve the stall for now? and if i wont come at all you can just give it to someone else
You got it!
I’ll update the forum post in due course. Please have your character ready and in place for when you log in.
Edit: forum post updated!
Edited Edit: Only four sports remain! 2 and 10 which are full stores, as well as14 and 15 which prime estate for Metalworkers and engineers by the Great anvil!
Sorry for the late sign up, Hruroth!
The Hummingbirds were present last night and my fault for not checking the forums earlier.
If you allow me to claim the stall 10 spot.
Stall name: Hummingbird Emporium
Intended Wares: Attire, cosmetics, magical watches, Plushies, potions, chocolates.
Market Location: 10
I signed you up months ago for slot 9!
Hot damn I was wondering who is implementing themselves as the shop name
Thank you!
Even though I could only attend briefly, I enjoyed it. Keep up the good RP.
In all the fun last night I was so busy I neglected to take any Screenshots of my own!
But I can tell you the names of the winners!
First, the victor of our Chug race was: Kelly Jendrock
Taking the Kharanos challenge by storm: Tania Whiteblossom
And bringing the smackdown in our Fight night: Morgrim Coalhammer
(Alright, I’ve gotten hold of a few screenshots)
Thanks to everyone who attended, hope you had fun! Tonight is the final night of the festival, as we partake in the Grand Market! Hope to see you there!
Edit: We’ll also be giving out prizes and awards tonight at the market for…
- Best Reveler
- Best Sports person
- Best stall / shop
That’ll be around 22:30 server time! Be there, or be a four sided equilateral shape!
These have been fun. It was nice to come and see a lively Iron Forge. Thank you for hosting this and thanks to the people running stalls and shops too.
It has been a very enjoyable weekend! So good to see some life in the Forge once more, hope you all pop by in the near future for some chats.
Many thanks to Hru, Frolbar, plus the rest of my fellow Morodnir for the getting this up and running, but also thanks to every single person that popped by for a night as none of this would be possible without your attendance!
Oh this was a blast! LITERALLY! I am both humbled and honored to have been a part of this!
I hope you all had a good time in the home of kin and hearth!
Lovely work by both guildie, attendees and stall owners! And a great work Hruroth for all the planning!
And that’s a wrap! I hope you all had a great time, but a few big shout outs…
First, to our tremendous bar staff: Hakan at Bruuk’s place, The Thirsty dove and curious octopus team! Perfect tavern work folks!
Second, to our traders, merchants and stall owners. Throughout you did an amazing job and brought a heck ton of life to a quiet city on the last night. My eternal gratitude.
Third, last, but not least… everyone that attended , participated, chugged a beer, sang a song, or bought a ware. thank you the participants! you gave the event its warmth and life.
Now, I’m going to rest for a few days! The festival of the Forge–… Shall return!
Thank you all who worked hard to create this three-day train of fun. There was excitement, there was involvement, the city felt alive and all thanks to the people who participated.
Personally, this makes me want to see and work toward more gatherings and prove that there is life under the mountain, not just rocks and lava.
Hands down to the great event.
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