🌋 [A] [Gandling] <Celestials> Wed & Sun raiding & PvP Focus!

Super friendly people in this guild <3

Such a great organized guild that speaks English mainly. Lots of active and fun people to be around. I really like this guild and hope to stay with them till the very end!

Not without our doctor!

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Great guild with great officers and leadership. Can’t wait to start out with you guys ! You guys are super active too

We need warriors, others are welcome to :wink:

We changed realm!

Seems like a great core and community upto now! Looking forward to it

Probably the most classic in the world (of Warcraft).

Probably :wink:

We are still recruiting: If you are looking for a nice and funny environment, join us :slight_smile:

Leaning towards 2 team atm :open_hands:

Gewoon goed man

Tried to add you on discord without success, but i’m very interested in joining the guild! Hook me up with a pm @ KingCold#6270 if you’re still recruiting! :slight_smile:

Hey sorry for the late reply!

Sended you a request!

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