<Goobas> is recruiting dedicated players for endgame PvE (main focus) and PvP Content!
We are a group of friends who are social and helpful aiming to give you a good classic experience together with us in Goobas.
Our members consists of both new and experienced players, So all is welcome.
Goobas is a Casual/semi-Hardcore guild that is looking forward to clear dungeons while leveling and raids at 60.
We will be using a dkp system with a weekly decay to prevent “dkp hoarding” but at the same time provide you the opportunity to bid on the items u want.
We will be raiding on;
Wednesday/Sunday/Monday 19:30-22:30 CET.
If you are interested either leave your battletag/discord details below or add me;
Battle,net (Slowxp#2423)
Discord (Slow_xP#9220)
for more info!