[A] Guardian Druid Looking for Guild

Hi, I am a Guardian Druid looking for a social raiding guild. My goal is to find somewhere that has a fun environment that doesn’t take things too seriously. I want to get ahead of the curve and do M+ with friends and guild mates. Please let me know if there is any guilds recruiting on Ravencrest. :slight_smile:

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Hello, I might be able to help you, hit me up at PokerProDrm#1756

Hello! A little late so not sure if youve found a guild yet, but we’re always on the look out for new friendly social members! And will almost certainly have a spot for you in our social Heroic raids each week, we generally have 2 groups running at the same time due to interest so regularly need 4 tanks a week!
Please feel free to get in touch with me through Bnet - DHaselgrove#2215 or Discord - David Haselgrove#5070.
If you’d like to learn a little more about us here is a link to our forum post - [A] <Poetic Justice>

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