(A/H-RP)(Campaign) The Search for Perenolde (Kick-off tonight)


The peninsula still reeked of the Blight. Small pockets of territory were healing, either through time or the restoration of healing magic. Yet the majority of the kingdom of the arrogant and proud still could not be inhabited. Nonetheless, the water’s edge near the harbour closest to the abandoned city was where he needed to be. There he would meet a new ally of the isles. Lady Geraldine, an aristocratic veteran of wars, fought and bled against the onslaught of humanity’s fatal foes. She would bring a favour with her, one gladly lent to aid long lost family. The second addition to the meeting of three arrived shortly after. A Gilnean man, loyal to the bone and filled to the core with hateful spite. Having been a sailor for his entire life, he knew these waters, the coming in and out of ships and boats and the seafaring ways of the Greymanes better than any in the region.

The two men stood back with lowered heads untill the tidesage passed and walked to the sand, there she knelt to lay down her satchel for preparation of the ritual. Three runes were placed and burrowed slightly to rest under the sand infront of her. To her left, a rune of water, to guide her ambiguous power of life and destruction. To her right, a rune of storms, terrible and fierce, yet a boon in the sails of the diligent. And in the middle, a rune of souls, serving as a conduit to the lost, both hopeful and past the boundaries of saving. Rising to her towering height with hands held towards the turbulent skies, the ritual commenced and the runes within the sand began to shine a dim glow, followed by an almost immediate reaction of the water’s edge to the magic that beseeched it for guidance.

"Waters deep and full of awe,
hear my solemn plea,
I implore your power bereft of glee,
to be guided by your lightless maw.

A king is lost and we require him dearly,
for his fate lies far in doubt,
fulfill your duty as the wandering scout,
and cast light on your gaze so clearly.

Take this offering in the sand,
gifted and returned,
that we might wisely tread the land.

Thank you, oh sea, for we have learned,
by your blessing in my hand,
we shall find he for whom we have yearned."

The waters before the three flared briefly, before a single wave reached their feet and dragged the runes into the bay of Gilneas, dissolving swiftly in the water. The tidesage glanced over her right shoulder and firmly nodded once towards the ranger, for she had been given answers. From there on, the quest would continue to find the lost heir to the Kingdom of Alterac and to thwart the insidious Forsaken and their wicked queen.

And yet, the dark hides many things. Cloaked and masked in black, he hid near a crumbling house not that far to the group’s starboard side. She has eyes and ears everything, from cities to towns, hamlets and groves, and even here where not long ago she annihilated the future of a nation. The deathstalker would soon return to his officers with a swift message: the Alliance had begun the search for the heir of the last of the seven kingdoms.


  1. Concept

The background behind this campaign is a fairly simple one. The seven kingdoms of humanity have nearly all been either reclaimed, cleansed or conquered by the Alliance. Except for one, namely: Alterac. Drawing inspiration from the Proudmoore questlines, especially the parts concerning the unification of their house, I figured the same could apply in Alterac’s case.

Isiden Perenolde has long been missing and we haven’t been given any information regarding his location or status at all. What we do know, is that he was last seen in Gilneas. Genn, back then at least, had his back when the matter of succession to the throne of Alterac began to heat up. Even if it is decided to retcon this part (let’s be honest here), Isiden still has not been confirmed to be dead and starting the quest in Gilneas would still not be far-fetched at all.

The Horde, of course, hears of this development, since we learn in-game that Sylvanas has agents gathering information all across the world and they might even be the first to take action.

  1. Progression

The campaign will feature 3 phases. Starting with a passive phase, followed by an active phase and finishing with a second passive phase. This to build up enough tension in the first part, resultating in an explosion of hostility in the second part with forces licking their wounds and contemplating events in the last part.

  1. Location

First of all, the Alliance and the Horde might start off in different places. The multiple phases and each step within its respective phase might also occur in various spots. Isiden has not been found and has not been heard of, he may and could be anywhere. We will simply act on player driven leads getting us somewhere or nowhere. Beginning with Gilneas.

  1. Participants

All roleplaying guilds and roleplaying individuals are free to sign up. The balance between both factions will of course be kept fair. The standard application form of 1; guild name or individual name(s), 2; faction, 3; estimated number(s), 4; brief description, will do just fine.

  1. Restricted or unrestricted

Honestly, let’s leave this to the different groups and people that come to play together. The standard will be restricted, but if an arrangement is agreed to with those involved, go nuts.

  1. Date and time

The campaign starts on July 6th and ends on July 13th.

  1. About me as an event/campaign designer

I’ve been in a lot of recognizable, big and small, guilds on AD over the many years since TBC and I have experience in creating events and content for RP. Campaigns are somewhat a step in the dark, but I am very excited and motivated.

  1. Collaboration

Any individual, guilded or guildless, guild master or einzelganger, is welcome to add new ideas, provide criticism and simply contribute to making this the best campaign it can possibly be.

  1. Other information

I don’t claim the concept to be lore and anyone who doesn’t wish to acknowledge it is free to do so.

Any information in this thread might be subject to change, nothing is set in stone yet.

Alliance total 74-81
Horde total 59-68

Alliance guilds 53-81
The Eagles Talon 4-5
Holy Order of Lordain 4-6
The Tempestarii 2
Lordamere Rangers 5-8
Sword of Menethil 2-4
The Roaming Swords 2-3
Heart of Oak 3-4
Knights of Yore 6-8
Order of the Seven 4-8
Dawnscale Vanguard 10-15
Hand of Xera 3-5
The Silver Fist 3-6
Of Hammers and Hollows 5-7

Alliance individuals 21
(Kother) Davixon
Eleríth (Snowdrop)
Catherine (Ashcombe)
(Amara) Crestmont
Rhyn (Valorian)
Eadward (Campbell)
(Isaac) Emsworthy
(Desmond) Hastíngs
(Brother) Áeldyn
Braden (Wymore)
Cintana (Rivers)
Lanestra (Startouch)

Horde guilds 56-68
Grim Gest 10
The Hand of Conquest 13-20
Painted Shields 18-23
The Rotgarde 15+

Horde individuals 3
Kump (Gor’kamp Axefang)
(Herbert) Rotsail
(Langley) Donfrey


I’m sorry who?

When will this happen?


I knew I forgot something after I did the last check. Thanks for the heads up.

Nice initiative! I’d really love to see Isiden Perenolde return… Even as the Warcraft 3 Death knight hero, Baron Perenolde!

It will be a cool campaign for the Frostwolf of Alterac! Looking forward to it! :heart:

A big shame it happens at the same time as the Return of the Damned.


Looks interesting, will keep an eye and see where things go though seeing as Talon is an Alteraci guild it’s likely we will get involved somewhere along the line. Feel free to message me for anything we might assist with.


The date is not set in stone yet and I’m quite flexible since studies will be put on a break. I’ll look into possibly picking another date.

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There is the wetlands campaign coming up too which I think a lot of northern guilds (ours included) will be attending over June.


Changed the date to not cause any or much overlap with other campaigns or events.


Tentative to join this then !
1; guild name or individual name(s) : BaerHugues
2; faction : Alliance
3; estimated number(s) : Individual
4; brief description : Lordaeronian DK roaming around Hillsbrad and Alterac a lot. Might just bump into it due to usual patrols. (And to piss off Kanista. Probably)

The campaign in Wetlands runs this month and there will be a follow up campaign also in August, July wasn’t that bad of a time to host I think :O)

Provided it doesn’t overlap with prior commitments
Guild name : The Eagles Talon
Faction : Alliance
Estimated number(s) : 4-5
Brief description : A company comprised of Alliance loyalist Alteraci that seek to retake and redeem their home and kinsmen.


Summer, right? I’ll reverse the date of the campaign back to what it originally was. Starting on July 6th and ending on July 13th.

Phase 1: July 6th-8th
Phase 2(RP-PvP): July 9th-11th
Phase 3: July 12th-13th


That’s a good compromise, in my opinion !
Theres only one day of overlap with the damned event, but it’s manageable !

Nice thanks a lot

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In the end wars are fought on multiple fronts.

Thanks a lot for informing me about various campaign dates Baerhugues, Kanista and Morsteth. It’s appreciated.

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Signing up =)

Grim Gest
Fighting the fight


Reputting my sign up for the actual dates as well, just in case :smiley:
Great initiative

Hah! You think you can come to our lands and mess things up?! I tell Koroth that humies and stinkies are acting up!