[A] Healer (returning) LF heroic/mythic guild Shadowlands

So I recently returned to WoW after taking a break during BfA and looking for a raiding guild again that focusses on heroic and mythic.

About me
I am 26 years and living in the Netherlands. I returned to WoW as I almost finished my masters degree and got more time now to spend on WoW. I started playing during TBC and did mostly casual raiding. That changed during WotLK where I started raiding semi-hardcore (3-4 days a week) what resulted in server first Algalon. I did really like achieving a server first, but to enjoy the game more I decided to step down a bit on raiding during Cataclysm to play with a friendly group of people which I enjoyed very much. I then decided to took a break during MoP and WoD and returned in Legion. In Legion I joined a nice group of people with whom I enjoyed raiding very much (even though we mostly cleared the first three bosses in mythic). I then took a break again during BfA, because the expansion did not appeal to me, and to focus more on my studies.

What am I looking for?
I am looking for a raiding guild again on the Alliance side (if they still exist, I started my WoW career as Alliance and looking forward returning). I prefer a guild that raids two (max three) days a week (late night is preferred but I am able to join after 6pm). The guild should be able to progress while having fun doing so. I’d prefer guilds that have a small roster as I liked that in my previous raiding guilds, as you get the community feeling.

What am I bringing?
I have always played healers as a main and got experience as a Holy/Discipline priest and Restoration Shaman. Currently I am trying a Restoration Druid as well which fits me as well. As an os I will play Shadow Priest. I have always been well prepared for everything (raids, m+), do my research for my classes et cetera.

The characters I will bring are Vaados and Nevija (both on Kazzak) and this character that I used my 120 boost on.

So if you are recruiting for Shadowlands and are in need of a Discipline Priest or Resto Shaman/Druid (or even a Shadow priest), let’s get in contact!

Hey Sargonna!

Welcome back to the game :smiley: Our guild is looking for a resto shaman, and can fit a resto druid in the roaster at the moment. Gonna leave our advertise in case you’re interested:

Wishes of great adventures,