Looking for healers and DPS to join our Mythic team.
Still looking for a healer and DPS to join us for SoD progress.
We are looking for a few DPS to join us for Mythic SoD and beyond.
can vouch for this guild! Amazing people in here and the atmosphere is nice! :D, if i had normal working hours i would re-join! 10/10
We are looking for a few people to join our team for Sylvanas progress and into 9.2 and beyond. Looking for all roles aside from tank.
We have positions open for a few ranged DPS and a healer to join us for 9.2 and beyond. We would be happy to take a small group of friends looking for a new Mythic Raiding home.
Looking for a healer, with a preference for Holy Paladin or Disc priest to join us for 9.2. Also have a spot open for any ranged DPS.
Looking for a healer and two DPS to join us for 9.2 and beyond.
Looking for a few DPS to join our Mythic raid team.
Looking for a few DPS to join us.
We have two DPS and one Healer spot open, we are looking for Mythic raiders to join us for the start of 10.1/S2.
What dps classes are you looking for? And would you be open to someone who can attend the Tuesday/Thursday but not Monday?
Pretty much any DPS class/spec, we would be open to you only being able to do Tue/Thursday but it might be good to chat with you on battle.net if you want to add me.
CE secured, we are looking for several DPS to join our team for season 2 and beyond.
Still looking for a few DPS to join us.
I sent you a FR on battle.net.
I am currently looking for a guild to progress mythic in a friendly and healthy environment.
I understand I play an unusual class, Survival Hunter, but I would like to shoot my shot as I can’t find many guilds that raid from 8:30/9:00 pm ST and your description intrigued me.
Wish you a great weekend!
Looking for a few ranged DPS.
Still have a few ranged DPS spots open.
We are looking for a healer and a few ranged DPS.
We are looking for a few DPS who are looking for a long term home to join our Mythic raid team.