A lack of motivation regarding RP

Yeah, I guess it’s easy for me to say ‘just quit’, as someone still having fun, but ditching something you’ve invested years into is never easy - but it can definitely be for the best; a change of scenery is always nice in the short-term.


Yeah I’m not so much as trying to encourage whoever to just quit (if you have fun or manage to make your own fun perfectly fine, don’t!), I just think that people that aren’t having fun + don’t manage to make their own fun anymore or just don’t really ‘vibe’ with it all anymore should probably just try a break and something else rather than desperately sticking with the game because a lot of time has been invested into it already


it isn’t easy, but it’s honestly the right call if there’s no fun in it anymore.

And if nothing else, having had that experience previously helped me recognize when i was in a similar situation in wow so i could just get over it considerably faster

And it’s not like if you quit, you have to quit forever. If things change, or you change, the option to renew your sub and jump back in is always there.


for sure, i’m still gonna keep my eye on WoW if nothing else. Hence my presence here.
Though I sincerely doubt blizz will manage to win me over any time before 10.0

The Tehya gulf… I can feel the hole in AD…

Ironically I’ve just sort of randomly got back into WoW again, but since I’m a mega casual who doesn’t even do dungeons it doesn’t last long unless there’s RP for me to engage with. I’ve never particularly been interested in the story of the game personally (“I aM mY sCaRs”), just the setting and lore it builds off - but I suppose with all this cosmic mumbo jumbo even that’s bound to be retconned eventually…

I think I’m in the same boat as OP - just caught in the middle, somewhere. My motivation to RP is always up and down due to real life stuff, but the current state of affairs definitely doesn’t help. There’s always an itch in the background for me, even so.


I am leading a guild and i began to instead make my own content (Still respectful to the lore as best as i can) instead of having to follow to much the current matters of the Shadowlands. I did really the same back in Legion. I created my own villeins, my own storyarchs for me fellow guild mates and RPers.

I created own content to keep RP and entertaining going. My real reason to stay in Wow is not even the gameplay or game content or the current newest lore. It is legit just me friends and me guild that enjoys the RP and story content i can offer with my fellow Officers. Without that, i had quit as well. But…Sadly step by step as i see how SL is moving, i am more and more being pushed towards letting go. If RP began to falter, or my guild disbanded, etc. I would/may quit too.


Yeah, I’ve been trying to wade through what feels like a bog of stale RP recenlty. I mean it could just be me but it feels like things are far slower at the moment, which in turn doesn’t help with the motivation.

I turned up for the ball this evening in Suramar and just thought, I can’t be bothered. Maybe that was the heat involved more than anything.

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Oh yes the heat!

That i would say plays currently a big factor. Mostly my own perspective as alot of me guildmates have been having a harder time to be active because its to hot, hard to think and some having trouble. Even i am getting affected to a point it takes more from me to even get into RP because its so warm and can get tired and harder to focus.

Edit: Hopefully will change when things get colder. (Hopefully…)

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Agreed, and although not represented in game because we’re in the Shadowlands at endgame, there is still the scourge running rampant, like you can have some WotLK tier scourge/undead themed events with that stuff, and all the cosmic shadowlandsy stuff is all away and not mandatory to engage in RP with (though you can RP with it especially with it becoming easier to access the shadowlands and especially the Maw IC)

I’ve been doing the same, and it works much better than sticking to the rigid and illogical “official” lore. It doesn’t mean that I forget about the setting, but I carefully pick the parts that I want to involve into my RP and ignore the parts that I don’t like.

Too bad they didn’t go with this instead… would have been an instant classic, I think, if done well. I’d prefer it over this Setting X kind of thing that we got now.

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I dunno, I’m conflicted on it. While it would’ve been the safer bet, I really don’t want Scourge 2.0, and aesthetically at least I prefer the themes of the new zones.

IMO I think a patch where we’re taking a break from the Shadowlands itself and returning to Azeroth to fight the Mawsworn backed scourge could be really interesting. Maybe the final patch could be a Mawsworn invasion, and we’d finally be actually shown in game what we’ve been told about the Scourge and Cult of the damned being usurped by the Mawsworn.

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No, true, it could have been too similar to WotLK, which could have backfired just as well.

While I like three out of four covenant factions (I don’t like the necrolords), I do not think they have much to do with the warcraft setting. It just feels too out-of-setting. I am not sure how this can be fixed.

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It is, but I wouldn’t let that distrupt your RP. There are plenty of ways to keep your RP more grounded and avoid the modern lore for the most part.

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In the last three expansions my motivation and involvement in Roleplay has been… Minimal to a degree.

Legion’s start was actually the highest point for RP for me, never before had I roleplayed for 13 consecutive hours but the DH hype got me good and then hit its lowest point because of drama, I think that one instance is where RP became an effort to get into for me instead of the usual forward attitude I used to have.

Nevertheless I gradually disengaged from RP in favor of content. Then BfA hit and it was everything Legion was not, while the narrative was more grounded and should have involved me more, eehhh faction conflict wasn’t all that interesting in my eyes and AD had developed a weird mocking attitude towards Neutrals, I RPed on and off but nothing stuck. Didn’t help that Blizzard was ignoring lots of the consequences of their murder waifu but I’ll get into that.

Shadowlands is just not an improvement in a general sense. It’s the first expansion that made me question “Is this worth paying anymore?” seriously, RP was no longer enough to justify it.

If the current handlers of the game can’t capture what drew me in first to begin with then it’s certain to not help in many other aspects. The narrative is not interesting but even then it manages to completely break any trust I have in them, the game mechanics and systems are convoluted, unnecessary (The ripcord never existed) and refuse to let you rest easy by being simply more available and attainable. I know it’s not about RP here but I don’t just RP, I’m not a single-minded player, I need a healthy balance.

While yes I agree, RP is about making your own story with the elements of the game that already exist or those you like and acknowledge, everyone is different and comes from different backgrounds. There’s only so much you can take before your motivation and passion just runs out.

The only advice I got for anyone is just do the bits and pieces of the game you enjoy most, do not persist in an activity you think isn’t fun. If the overall products isn’t satisfying anymore and you get over the sunk cost fallacy, take a step back from Wow until it’s bringing or showing something that reignites the spark.

My sub runs out in about 5 days, I’m not coming back until I really miss the game or don’t, I stocked up on those Steam sales so I’ll be good from now on until mid-September assuming I’m not fully consumed by replaying Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous on every possible alignment run.

Stay healthy my friends.

For very good reason i assure you, neutral rpers made sure of that

“How dare they not subscribe to the us-or-them mentality artificially pushed by Blizzard!”

In all seriousness, come to Dalaran. We have cookies!

More like “can we please have just 1 campaign that doesn’t have some druid/mage/shaman rper no ones ever heard of threatening us with the full wrath of the cenarion circle/kirin tor/earthen ring for fighting each other”


I stop playing WoW and, perhaps, look for something else to make myself busy with, like the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV that has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime.