[A] LF Raiding and M+ Guild


Long story short looking to switch to Alliance for SL and play on a slightly lower pop server than the likes of SVMoon or Draenor. I raided in Legion (Guardian Dru Tank) and haven’t played BFA much. Gonna spend the next few weeks levelling a bunch of ally toons, current plan is to heal in Shadowlands.

I have 9/12 Horde toons at Max level so have decent experience with most classes. Most of all looking for a guild in which I can make friends and really enjoy the game! I’m always willing to learn and improve and push hard content.

My Battletag is Chippy#21967, hit me up if interested! :slight_smile:

Hi Dónu,

Our guild, Braveheart, is based in Argent Dawn and recruiting active players for Shadowlands (including raiding, M+ dungeons, roleplay and social events) - check out our recruitment thread here for more information or you can add me on my battle.net (Hystericxl#2223) and we can chat! :blush:


We’re an easy going heroic guild on Magtheridon with an active discord and about 25 raiders looking for healers or dps in preparation for Shadowlands. We raid twice a week (weds & sun @ 20:00 - 23:00) and we aim to get curve and then to use the left over time to progress however far we can through mythic.

All of the details can be found here:

Alternatively, on bnet you can contact: Tostie#2772