[A] Mature, disabled woman LF casual, chill home

I started playing in Feb '22 and I’m looking for an inclusive guild with friendly people.
My disability causes brain fog that can influence my reaction times and memory. I also have hard time talking while playing M+.

I do leveling, pet battles, pet taming (with my hunter), questing, mount, achievement and rare hunts. I also enjoy M+ with chill people and would like to get better at it. I don’t do much M+ today because of toxic puggers. I am looking to at least manage 15+ keys with my healer and hunter in the long run.

I’m currently on Silvermoon but open to transfer.

Main: Resto druid ilvl 270 (RIO 1814, S3).
Main alt: BM hunter ilvl 266 (RIO 1543, S3)

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Hey there!

Youre welcome to check out our guild, Ministry of Silly Wipes!

We’ve many helpful members who would be more than happy to help and run mythics with you =)
Please give the thread I linked a read, and if we sound right for you, please add me for a chat!

Discord: xWestie#9361
Bnet: Westie#2496

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Thank you, I’ll send you a message! You guys look like a good match.

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