[A/N-RP] Hand of Cenarius

Yesterday evening, Nerathion embarked on his Pilgrimage of Reverence together with Sylvari; they travelled from Astranaar all the way up to the Shrine of Remulos in Moonglade, where Nerathion paid tribute to one of Cenarius’ sons, Remulos.

But that’s not all! Tonight, both Nerathion and Morverne were accepted into the Hand of Cenarius after their (and our first!) Rite of Initiation. A hearty welcome to the two of them!

Here’s more screenshots from their Rite:


These are some wonderfully hoopy froods with much more than a passing awareness of their towel’s location. Had some wonderful RP with them in Astranaar of late, as they patiently teach a gnomish drifter about the wondrous and terrifying continent of Kalimdor.


The lone encampment of the Champions of Azeroth in Silithus is joined by a warband of befallen elves and worgen. They bring with them a dead sentinel and, when questioned, reveal that they were beset upon by swarms of silithid. Outside of the aid provided to them by the encampment’s menders, they keep to themselves.

We got our behinds handed to us by silithid this week (thank you, Lotheridan!) and will now be in Silithus for a night or two. We’ll be attending the Heart of the Forest event next week, where we’ll hopefully be able to connect with the community again!


It’s nice to know we aren’t the only guild faced with the horrors thrown at us by Lotheridan. Stay strong. (Also really cool nelf druid guild.)


They do have lovely beards, specially Mythundis!

i think i heard a bird tweet come from it once


It’s been a while since a last update, so I figured I’d post one. First things first, we’ve been keeping ourselves busy with some lighter stuff. Earlier this week, we set out to purge Void corruption from the Emerald Dream, and it mostly went well - poor Morverne suffered from whispers that made him doubt many a things, if only briefly.

Then, I’d like to give a hearty welcome to Faeolas, our newest Companion! Faeolas embarked on his Pilgrimage on Saturday and on Sunday we all came together to give him judging stares and glares. He passed the Rite, albeit with very mixed votes.

In the future, on the 16th of August, we’ll be hosting A New Moon together with the Adherents of Altruis. Anyone’s welcome to join us there if they wish to do so!

Recruitment remains open for the majority of August - if there’s interest, contact myself or Blackquill, you know the drill.


It’s been interesting roleplaying with the Hand as of late, there’s been a lot of in-character conflicts that I’ve personally found really engaging, and I cannot wait to see where all of them are going to lead.


Nobb don’t like angry elves but Nobb like them more than dusty threads at bottom of forums. So here, Nobb made bump out of spikes.


Nob is an acceptable orc, knowing his place at the bottom of the foodchain.

He’ll make fine fertilizer for a new ancient.

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Enjoying my time with these folks both in-character and out, only been with them for a little while - wish I had joined earlier!

As Morverne mentioned, the fallings-out have been super interesting to play out, along with the plots still going on around.

Eager to see what comes!


Mythundis takes a drag of his pipe and closes his eyes, slowly exhaling the smoke through his nostrils. The Priestess of Raynewood had placed him in charge of the Tower’s defense, and he was not quite sure how to take it. Most of all, there was a certain doubt nesting within him – doubt spurred by the increasing number of injured Sentinels, doubt from Nerathion’s report.

He brings the pipe to his lips again, and sternly shakes his head. Raynewood’s defense now rested on his shoulders, and he would not let it down. Not now, not ever.

We’re still going strong! Combating a bog beast, corrupted Treants and several Horde units, we’re keeping ourselves occupied in Ashenvale. Currently, we’re located at the Raynewood Tower, just below Raynewood Retreat - come seek us out if you’re interested in roleplaying with us!

EDIT: I’d update our little information box at the top of the thread, but my trust level is currently bugged and I cannot edit the OP - I sent a ticket to Blizzard, so time will tell!


Today, Isalye embarked on her Trial of Spirits to become a Neophyte, and passed. Tomorrow, Nerathion will follow in her footsteps and hopefully pass, too.


Tomorrow, we’ll also start on a two week campaign, lovingly hosted for us by Thornsong! Very much looking forward to it. Recruitment will, naturally, remain closed during this two week period, but it may well be that it opens again after.


The Hand of Cenarius have began a new campaign!
Taking them across Ashenvale to the depths of the Emerald Dream, to the reflection of a meadow that shattered millennia ago; entrusted with a mission of the utmost importance, taking them to a place few have likely been to before, in a distant land.
All at the behest of a mysterious guest DM whose very name is shrouded in…

It’s me.

Very cool guild, definitely worth checking out if you’re a Night Elf or Worgen roleplayer who loves to embrace the spirituality and philosophy of Druidism in your character.


I’ve seen this guild out and about before even though Mercs and druids dont mix i love this concept its good to see druids about you dont often see many of these guilds


Screenshots from yesterday’s event, mostly taken by Sylvari!


You’re welcome.



Yesterday, we tried to enter the Temple of Atal’Hakkar - but we didn’t get very far. The entrance ended up being sealed by a spell, and we spent a good amount of times hexxed into frogs. Venturing south, we set out to find whatever caused the seal - and came across a former site of a sacrifice. Burning the bodies and bringing the remains of a green dragon to rest, the Hand returned to Marshtide Watch to rest.

On Monday, we’ll (hopefully) delve into the bowels of the Temple!

In other (overdue) news: Nerathion passed his Trial of Spirits and is now also a Neophyte. Congratulations!




Next week, the Hand of Cenarius is opening recruitment yet again. Are you a night elf or worgen tired of the same old pacifist narrative Alliance leaders shove down our throats every two expansions? Do you think the Sylvanas loyalists in Orgrimmar were let off the hook too easily? Do you still long to crack some orcish skulls despite the newly formed truce with the barbarian Horde? Then this is the guild for you! (As long as you’re not a demon hunter. Or a death knight. Or a mage or warlock.)