🐸 [A] Noggenfogger <Wall Rose> Casual Raiding Guild (and a little crazy)

Nice guild with good players, fast and casual raids. Come into the community and become a walrus you too

Hey all, Im looking to jump back into wow and meet some people! Is this guild still active? Thinking about transferring realm as my server is pretty dead… Looking forward to it! :))))

CRISPY! Please message me ingame Taz#2362 and we shall discuss secrets in person!

Hey! im a “new” wow player that has just started at classic, im really noob and its getting really hard to lvl up since im solo playing as a warrior, i just looked at your guild and looks exactly what im looking for!

Hello there!

I joined along with Manatorsken and Kvaler during the autumn. Since then I’ve had a blast within the Wall Rose community! We’re doing everything from efficient raiding, dungeon shenanigans and late night talks on discord with amazing people.

What I really enjoy and find amazing is that we always look out for each other. Helping guildies with grinds, farming certain items from dungeons and making sure we progress in the game as a team. Not as individuals.

All in all this is the guild I want to experience the old classic alongside.


Initially I joined thanks to my friend that found the guild leader, Taz, in a pug raid. I was unluckly busy during that week but he kept talking about this crazy guy and his crazy guild and, before I could notice, we were recruited into his guild. I still thank the Luck God for that event, since I’ve been having a lot of fun with the community which continues even for events outside of the game, being much more than just a place to log onto and get some raids done.

Only negative point, the GM isn’t a Star Wars maniac, so I can give only 8/10.
Overall, would suggest to give them a chance.

I joined “Wall Rose” over a month ago and couldnt be more happy with my decision to join. Its a family friendly guild with activ players thats allways try to help each other out. Its a very social guild with great people that just enjoy playing a nostalgic
game and have a great time together :slight_smile:

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